August/September 2013

Welcome to Yang-Sheng!


Yang-Sheng (Nurturing Life; ISSN: 2326-277X) is an E-magazine and a network for all healthcare professionals of preventive medicine, practitioners of  mind-body exercise (such as meditation, Qigong, Tai Chi, Yoga, Reiki, and mindfulness), true health seekers, and spiritual cultivators. It promotes philosophy and methods of self-healing, positive mind and health preservation, and shares knowledge and experiences with those who are interested in the subjects and their applications in everyday life.

Yang-Sheng merges traditional life-nurturing knowledge with modern scientific research and clinic evidence, and combines ancient wisdom with our own experience to support our daily practice and well-being,  and to reach true meaning of health in body, mind and spirit… Your contribution, participation, sharing and suggestions are truly appreciated.

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Highlights of August/September Issue of Yang-Sheng (Vol 3, No 4)

Michelle Wood[From The Editor] by Michelle Wood – We find Harmony With Nature in so many wonderful and diverse ways. There is truly something informing and enlightening in this issue for everyone whether you seek harmony of body, mind, spirit, or all three.

[Meditation in Motion] Jing – Mental Quietness and Serenity by Eric.BorresonEric Borreson describes how taiji practice can lead you through the process from learning and the active, conscious mind to being and the quiet, subconscious mind. This is the mental and physical state in which you may experience harmony with the Dao.

Kevin Chen[Research Update] compiled by Kevin Chen, includes reports from studies of the efficacy of qigong, taiji, yoga, and specific breathing practices. The conditions to which these practices were applied and found beneficial were fatigue, anxiety, depressive symptoms, and cancer survivors, among others.

Sharon Montes, M.D.[The Dancing Doc] Harmony With Nature: Healing Rhythms – Human, Moon, Earth, and Sun by Sharon Montes informs us of the different energy cycles we experience (physical/mental/emotional) and includes a site where you may chart your own biorhythms. She also discusses the importance of being in harmony with the solar/yearly as well as lunar/monthly seasons.

RodneyOwen[Wuji in Motion] You Can’t Do Qigong by Rodney Owens discusses the difference between “doing” (working and striving), and effortlessly and naturally “being” in the Qigong State which is to experience the easy, flowing essence of your Natural Being. Wouldn’t we all love to experience that?!

renee navarro[Feature Article] Opening the Body to Nature by Rene Navarro explains why it is not only beneficial but imperative that we be in Harmony With Nature. He also offers practices that are deceptively simple but easy methods when you approach them with sincerity and intention and dedication.

Leisurely Tie the Coat[Experience Exchange] Can You Be Like Water? Instructor Bob McBrien and Student Vincent Guiterrez demonstrate the harmony of mind-body can be attain as we engage in practices like taiji and qigong.

Shiuan Gee

[Cultivating the Mind] Amazing Food – The Gift of Nature – Coordinating Diet and Nature by Shiuan Gee explains the harmony between human and seasonal foods, and how foods can be used to detoxify as well as promote health and wellness.

Marty_Eisen_Snapshot_20110110[Scientific Qi Exploration] The Collaterals by Marty Eisen, informs us of the additional channels which connect the related yin/yang pairs of main acupuncture meridians, and how they carry qi to all parts of the body.

[Qigong News] Qigong Institute Founder and CEO passes away. Tom Rogers, President of the Qigong Institute released this news story and short biography of Dr. Ken Sancier, one of the most influential men who promoted qigong in the West. Dr. Sancier appeared in a PBS documentary about Qigong. 

Matt_Banks[Method of Self Healing] Harmony Related to Daoist Yangsheng is an essay by Matt Banks examining and comparing the aspects of harmony – mind, body, spirit, society, culture, etc. – differences between the past and present Western medical tradition and the Eastern Daoist Yangsheng tradition. 

Ellasara Kling[Seasonal Harmony] by Ellasara Kling offers ways in which we may harmonize with our environment as well as how to use “in season” fall foods and delicious recipes to help with that connection.

[Comedy Moment] — Laughter is the best medicine….


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