Simple Natural Healing 简单自然疗法
Food Healing: East Meets West
By Dr. Aihan Kuhn 爱寒
We frequently hear the saying “You are what you eat.” Even though this is not 100% true, it certainly rings a bell and gets our attention. Food can be our best friend or our worst enemy.
It all depends on how much we know about food and how we use what we know. Many ailments can be traced to the foods that we consume on a daily basis. If we are knowledgeable about food healing, our healing journey can begin with proper food choices. There should be no separation between east and west when it comes to using food to heal.
Trained as a western practice physician in China, I now practice Chinese Medicine in USA. I see a tremendous value in both systems: western nutrition and eastern food healing. Each addresses the importance from different angles. We are able to use the western scientific nutritional approaches to balance our body’s nutritional needs, which helps not only to maintain normal metabolism but also to prevent illness. We can then use eastern knowledge of food healing to assist in keeping our energy channels open, delay the aging process, and assist in healing.
For those on a limited diet, the addition of appropriate supplements is very important. If you have chronic ailments which will not go away, or if you have low energy or metabolism problems which are not getting better, no matter how hard you have tried to resolve these, the knowledge of an eastern healthy diet will greatly benefit you.
Healthful Herb: Wolfberry
Wolfberries are used in Chinese Medicine to lift the spirit and tone the liver, kidneys and blood. They are often combined with other herbs to slow the aging process by improving muscle growth and prevent premature gray hair, facial skin roughness and pigmentation. Additional uses are treatments for childhood pneumonia, diabetes, tuberculosis and dimmed vision due to malnutrition.
Wolfberries, as used in Chinese medicinal meals, are added to recipes for tonic soup, congee (rice porridge), and a spirit drink.
Healthy Recipe: Blueberry Slush Smoothie
- – 1 c. frozen blueberries
- – ½ c. Lemon Recharge* or Fruit Juice
- – 1 scoop of Whey protein powder
- – 1 tsp ground flax seed
- – 6 ice cubes
Combine the blueberries, Recharge/fruit juice, protein powder and ice cubes with ½ cup of water in a blender and puree. This is a light frothy drink with about 16 grams of protein. (Recipe from One Bite at a Time by Rebecca Katz)
*Recharge by Knudsen’s is an organic version of Gatorade. It replaces electrolytes which are important for many metabolic processes.
Backyard Herb: Sweet Violet
Sweet violet is a perennial, blooming from winter to spring. Its uses are varied – from flavoring sweets and liqueurs, to tossed in salads, and employed for more medicinal benefits.
Decocted flowers can be used to make an eye wash; violet leaf tea is used to treat varicose veins. Flower syrup is antiseptic and a mild laxative, and when combined with the leaves it is used to treat coughs, headaches and insomnia.
The violet root is used to treat bronchitis. The aerial parts of Viola Tricolor are cleansing, stimulate circulation and the immune system and are also used for chronic skin conditions.