Weekly Online Qigong Gathering — Your Investment in Mind-body Integrative Health

Would you like to…

  • Reduce stress?
  • Relieve chronic pain?
  • Refresh your mind and spirit?
  • Recharge your body energy?
  • Boost your immune system?
  • While learning a healing tradition with 1000+ years of history…?
  • Come joining us for a weekly gathering to improve health and longevity!

If the pandemic of COVID-19 taught us something important, that would be, the strength of your immune system and your internal strength would always be the key in defending yourself in such a public-health crisis. As the outbreak is still alive around the world, your best defense against the pandemic and other public-health crisis may still be the self-healing potential and your general health strength.

Qigong is a general term for various Chinese mind-body exercises that integrate breath adjustment, mind adjustment and body adjustment into one. It has a practice history for more than 3000 years with different names or handles in the past. The popular mind-body practices in the U.S., such as Reiki, meditation, Tai-chi, Daoyin and guided imagery, would all be called “Qigong” in China. It is really part of Chinese wellness practice and lifestyle. You can read more about Qigong at: https://yang-sheng.com/?p=11022

Our weekly Qigong class started in 2008 as a way to share traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) wellness practice and lifestyle in the Center for Integrative Medicine at University of Maryland. During the pandemic our local qigong class moved to online gathering through Zoom platform, which made it possible for us to open door to the public around the world. Our community is growing….

WHAT: Each Sunday we meet online in a Zoom for our weekly qigong for health class.  Each class will include ancient wisdom of life-nurturing (reminder of lifestyle issue), Qigong warm-up (such as three ways gathering Qi, and Pingshuai qigong)  Then teach and practice one specific qigong form, including Eight Pieces of Brocade, Six-Syllable Formula (Six-Healing Sounds), Five-Animal Play, Five-element Palm, Integrative mind-body-breath meditation, Stress-management w/ Qigong, Lowering Blood-pressure Qigong, Taiji Five-element Qigong , kidney-nourishing qigong, longevity in-bed exercises, and more. We usually focus on one qigong or mind-body exercise each month with some cross-over and add-on as needed.

WHEN: Each Sunday, from 9:00am to 10:30am EST (Eastern Standard Time zone)

  • 9:00am  — Ancient wisdom of the week (qigong is part of TCM Wellness practice and lifestyle)
  • 9:10—9:25am  Qigong Warm-up (grand opening, ping-shuai gong, three ways gathering qi etc.)
  • 9:25—10:20am  Teach and practice one Qigong form (see different themes or focus below)
  • 10:20—10:30am   Q&A session

WHERE: Online at Zoom platform, the classroom is at: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJ0ucuysrzgoHNS6oLKIzrartSZJMQE97b19

INSTRUCTOR: Dr. Kevin Chen, an Associate Professor at the Center for Integrative Medicine at University of Maryland Baltimore, is a certified instructor of medical Qigong, Dr. Chen is also a NIH-funded researcher in clinical studies of qigong therapy for arthritis and for addiction. He is the associate editor for the college textbook “Chinese Medical Qigong” (Singing Dragan, 2010), and the elected council and deputy secretary for the World Academic Society of Medical Qigong (Headquartered in Beijing). Dr. Chen has been a disciple of a few well-known Daoist masters, and has taught Qigong in the U.S. over 30 years.

COST: First session is a free trial (need registration online for the class); afterwards:

  • $10 per session – pay as you come (flexible, but not convenient)
  • $45 for 5 sessions (10% off, make some commitment)
  • $80 for 10 sessions (20% off, highly recommended)
  • Additional 10% discount for seniors (65+), students (with ID) and UMB employees enjoy additional 10% discount.

Registration:  Click the link below to register online with credit card, or download the Online Qigong Registration Form, and send the signed registration by email to Dr. Chen’s teaching assistant, Allwyn (alja78@aol.com) for the class link and password to get into the class.  You can either register online here, or directly ask for a trial:


Here is a listing of the planned theme or focus for each month during 2024 classes:

  • January — Kidney-nourishing Qigong & related wellness practice
  • February — Wudang sitting Eight pieces of brocade
  • March — Eight Pieces of Brocade
  • April — Taiji Five-elemeny Qigong for self healing
  • May — Six Healing Sounds Qigong
  • June — Qigong for Anxiety, Depression, and Stress Management
  • July — Five-element Palm Qigong
  • August — Qigong for longevity (dynamic & meditative forms, plus in-bed exercises).
  • September — Lung-nourishment Qigong
  • Oct- November — Five-animal Frolic
  • December — Winter Wellness Practice & Meridian exercise

In order to ensure the quality of teaching and effective interaction, we will take up to 48 students for each session on the base of first come first serve.  If you are interested in such an online training, or simply join an online wellness practice and supporting group, please register online ASAP to reserve your spot.  Otherwise, you may be  put on a waiting list for future participation.

Please contact our teaching assistant Allwyn at aol.com with user name “alja78”, if you have any question or difficult to sign up. Look forward to seeing you online soon.

Hope to see you online soon….

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