[Energy Healing Through Science and Spirit]
Nutrition Basics and Energy Healing
by Cindy Cicero
The School of Chi Energy Presents a seminar on Nutrition Basics with Sifu Jones and Instructor Dr. Thomas Earnest, D.O.M., Professor of Nutrition, Clinical Nutrition Specialist.
Dr. Thomas Earnest, DOM #932 http://albuquerqueacurolfing.com/
Doctor of Oriental Medicine
Board Certified Acupuncturist and Medical Herbalist
Functional Medicine Nutritionist
Click to listen or right click to download:
“The Chi Energy & Nutrition Basic Talk” Part One
“The Chi Energy & Nutrition Basics Talk” Part Two
Click this link to download Dr. Thomas’s pdf on nutritional references:
The Nutrition Reference Document
Click to access ChiEnergyNutrition.pdf
A few pertinent points:
Don’t torture yourself by trying to attain dietary perfection which is not possible.
Do remember to keep the ingredients non-toxic and healthy the majority of the time, especially regarding the fats and oils.
It is important to get pleasure from your food choices.
There are no rules, only principles of nature which we must all live by or die by – learn about what your unique body-mind needs to maintain itself.
Create your own body owner’s manual.
Experiment with what works for you and what doesn’t.
There is no one way that works for everyone, for we are all biologically individual and unique.