Introduction to Trypnaural Meditation and Brainwave Entrainment
by Niraj Naik, M.PharmI am a pharmacist and natural health consultant to several large blue chip companies, and dare I say it, including Walmart, where I have seen all kinds of clients suffering from stress, insomnia, phobias and depression.
Working in a cubicle environment myself for many years, I know the stress and negative health impact involved with such a lifestyle.
I also know that what would really help my clients including myself is a healthy dose of yoga, meditation and a good nights sleep. In the past I would have to direct them to methods of meditation that would take hours to do and was just not practical to fit into their busy corporate lives, and what happened?….
Very few people could actually keep it up. Those who did obviously had enjoyed fantastic benefits to their health.
But I wanted to make it easier for people to meditate and basically just chill out for once in their crazy hectic lives!
I was one of those people too, suffering from stress of working long hours and often doing the kind of work I really hated. But then I discovered brainwave entrainment technology.
In our busy modern day world, most people tend to neglect the importance of unwinding and letting go of stress every now and then. But relaxing the mind and body can bring you many benefits, which you can discover yourself once you learn about how music, meditation and brainwave entrainment can be very powerful techniques for reducing stress.
It is much easier to understand their true benefits when you first understand what happens during stress in your mind and body.
What Happens During Stress?
First it is important to understand the difference between the two different types of stress:
Healthy Stress also known as Eustress:
This is beneficial stress inside the body that leads to positive outcomes when done in moderation.
Unhealthy Stress:
- Job dissatisfaction
- Financial Worries
- Lack of sleep
- Steroid use
- Diseases such as Diabetes
- Smoking
- Bullying
- Social dislocation/separation from normal communities such as in Emigrant Asians, Native Americans and Aborigines in Australia who together have the highest rates of heart disease in the world.
What Happens During Unhealthy Stress?
Your body produces special hormones that serve important functions during a response. The release of stress hormones is controlled by the hypothalamus and your pituitary gland together in unison.
Under stress:
The hypothalamus signals your pituitary gland to release hormonal messengers to your adrenal glands to release adrenaline and cortisol.
This is known as the HPA axis.
You have two different divisions to your nervous system – sympathetic and parasympathetic neither of which is under your conscious control.
Sympathetic deals with “Flight or Fight”
- Speeds up your heart rate
- Redirects blood flow away from your gut and to your muscles
- Stimulates your liver to release glucose so higher blood glucose levels
- Triggers the release of various blood clotting factors
Parasympathetic however does the opposite and relaxes you. Helps you to get ready to eat, digest and store energy.
These two nervous pathways govern homeostasis – your bodies natural balance mechanism. When you are under prolonged stress this function goes out of sync resulting on all the major problems caused by long term stress and a dysfunctional HPA axis.
Consequences of a dysfunctional HPA axis:
Cushing syndrome is one extreme example of a body under extreme stress causing the HPA axis to go completely out of sync and produces excess cortisol.
Result is:
- Increased visceral fat
- Diabetes
- Heart disease
This is a common character trait of people under stress these days with the visible potbelly, type 2 diabetes and other chronic diseases.
Depression is another example of an initiator of HPA axis dysfunction:
“There is compelling evidence for the involvement of the HPA axis abnormalities in depression.”
Kunugi H et al Neuropsychopharmacology January 2006
Smoking is also proven to disrupt the HPA axis, although not as chronic in its effect as depression.
My Professional Experiences of Dealing With Stress
I would like to go back to my own experiences as a pharmacist when performing medicine use reviews.
What was interesting is that with the patients who had one or more risk factors such as high blood pressure or existing disease, nearly every single one of these patients complained of feeling under stress, either from an emotional trauma previously in their life such as divorce, or working long hours, not sleeping properly and eating the wrong foods.
Now what I did that I believe was different from what they were normally used to, was that I actually took a little bit of time to listen to their problems. Then I offered solutions, usually in the form of a little shopping list of things to buy that would help them that they could easily find from their local supermarket, such as healthier food and drinks. Many consumed large quantities of fizzy drinks so I suggested a few healthier swaps they could make. I would also direct them to website with more information that could help them fit exercise into their lives more easily, be able to cook healthier meals and this is the biggy, I would recommend they take up Yoga, Meditation and listen to music that would help them to relax more.
Those who followed through on my advice reported feeling much better and some even came off their medications completely as a result.
Here is some more evidence of the power of yoga at reducing harmful effects of stress.
A study, published in Journal of The Association of Physicians of India (JAPI), establishes the reversibility of heart disease through yoga. Study was on angiographic ally proven CAD patients, of whom 71 formed the study group and 42 the control group. And the results proved that the serum total cholesterol levels had reduced by 23.3%, disease had regressed in 43.7% and progression was arrested in another 46.5% of the patients. Some marked improvements were noticed in anxiety levels of patients. Controlled yoga combining calming and stimulating measures resulted in reduced serum cholesterol, LDL and triglyceride levels.
Other ways to reduce stress and relax:
Music and sound therapy
Listening to music may benefit patients who suffer severe stress and anxiety associated with having and undergoing treatment for coronary heart disease. A Cochrane Systematic Review found that listening to music could decrease blood pressure, heart rate, and levels of anxiety in heart patients.
The researchers reviewed data from 23 studies, which together included 1,461 patients. Two studies focused on patients treated by trained music therapists, but most did not, using instead interventions where patients listened to pre-recorded music on CDs offered by healthcare professionals.
So in my opinion a more holistic approach is required when treating and preventing chronic diseases such as heart disease. Medication merely acts like applying ice on the bruise. It never treats the cause or source of the problem. If you keep banging your head on the wall, it doesn’t matter how much ice you apply, your bruise will just get bigger and bigger.
How Brainwave Entrainment Meditation
Reduces Stress and Improves Well Being
Around 80% of all illnesses are due to prolonged stress and a dysfunctional HPA axis. When we are in beta or gamma state for too long a period, we experience stress and brainwave entrainment meditation can help to bring you into states where your bodies balance is restored.
Just like exercise the beneficial effects of restoring your balance through meditation and using brainwave entrainment lasts even when you have stopped doing it. With continuous use of the therapy you actually become better able to cope with stress when it is thrown at you in your daily life. Your stress “threshold” raises as your body become more in control of its HPA axis.
Recent studies have looked at the neurochemistry of meditation. Meditation has been shown to increase serotonin production. Serotonin is an important neurotransmitter and neuropeptide that influences mood and behaviour in many ways. Drugs such as Prozac chemically increase levels of serotonin in your brain to treat depression. Low levels of serotonin have been linked to a variety of disorders. For example, conditions associated with low serotonin levels include: depression, obesity, insomnia, narcolepsy, sleep apnea, migraine headaches, premenstrual syndrome, and fibromyalgia.
Meditation has also been associated with increased melatonin availability. Melatonin is also an important neurotransmitter and neuropeptide that influences mood and behaviour. It is derived from serotonin. Melatonin has been linked to regulation of sleep, and early research indicates it may have anti-carcinogen and immune system enhancing effects.
Clinical Evidence for The Benefits Of Meditation
Research by Dr Vincent Giampapa, MD, Former President of American Board of Anti-Aging Medicine, New England Journal of Medicine suggested that brainwave entrainment “dramatically” affects the production of three hormones directly related to longevity of life and overall well-being; cortisol, DHEA and melatonin:
1) Cortisol is found in the adrenal glands and impacts learning and memory, as too much of it is bad for us and causes stress. This is reduced by binaural beats.
2) DHEA is used as a “source ingredient” for virtually every “good hormone” the body needs, and helps our immune system. This is increased by meditation and brainwave entraiment sessions.
3) Melatonin is the chemical produced during deep, natural sleep. Having lots of DHEA and melatonin is good for us. This is increased by brainwave entrainment using binaural beats.
Research by Dr Margaret Patterson & Dr Ifor Capel, Marie Curie Cancer Foundation Research Department:
“Brainwave Entrainment which take the user into the Alpha brainwave state aids production of serotonin, a hormone which increases relaxation and eases pain.”
Over the past year I have been using a new style of brainwave entrainment meditation technology called Trypnaural Meditation that I produced with Dr. Mrigank Mishra.
This combines music and brainwave entrainment into a single session.
Trypnaural brainwave entrainment meditation is designed to take you into the stress relieving brainwave states of alpha, theta and delta. It is also designed to stimulate your natural production of the tryptamines, serotonin, melatonin and DMT (dimethyltryptamine).
Trypnaural meditation is widely enjoyed by users all around the world, from yoga teachers, reiki masters, corporate executives, actors, musicians and even by USA Army officers as a way for them to combat stress.
To find out more and to download a free sample please visit
You will also be able to read the many testimonials from my users of their experience of its benefits.
Niraj Naik is a pharmacist and health and wellness consultant to several businesses based in the UK. Having a musical background he has focused his attention on using sound and music as a “side effect” free tool for relieving stress, depression and tension,that he believes are the main culprits for chronic disease. Niraj Naik also runs two successful websites and produces music and sounds with consultant psychiatrist Dr Mrigank Mishra, under the alias amAya, some of which is infused with their novel Trypnaural Brainwave Entrainment Technology designed to increase the natural production of tryptamines, DMT, serotonin and melatonin that can lead to deeper sleep, relaxation and better health.