Tag Archives: Felice Dunas

Love and Sex: Expressions of Energetic Strength and Weakness

Healing Through Pleasure Love and Sex: Expressions of Energetic Strength and Weakness by Felice Dunas, Ph.D. L.Ac. Ignorance of the necessity for sexual intercourse to the health and virtue of both man and woman is the most fundamental error in … Continue reading

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Sex: The Great Healer

Without understanding the role of sex in healing and illness, many patients sabotage your work. Unknowingly, they express sexual love in a manor contradictory to their bodies needs which slows down their healing process. Continue reading

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The Sexual Dynamic — A TCM Perspective

Healing through Pleasure The Sexual Dynamic — A TCM Perspective Felice Dunas, Ph.D. Michael was not the best looking guy my patient Heather had ever seen. The many women who flocked around him the night they met would agree. But … Continue reading

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