Tag Archives: Soul Salon International

Soul Salon – A legacy: Your Final Footprint

— by Rena Reese Mention the names of Abraham Lincoln, Martin Luther King and Eleanor Roosevelt, and people immediately associate each of them with their legacies. Reflecting on the lives of Albert Einstein, Gandhi, and Helen Keller will naturally call … Continue reading

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Soul Salon

Stoke the fire of change By: Rena M. Reese Change is a beautiful thing. Or so we have heard. Actually change, while not always easy, surely fires things up a bit. I recall when our family lost power for 4 … Continue reading

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Courage: Getting your fear in gear

Fear pollutes important decisions. It prompts someone to marry another they don’t love out of a fear that they won’t find someone better. Fear keeps people from ending unhealthy or toxic relationships, from finding a life’s work that really jazzes them, starting a business, retiring, or moving to a new city. In caving to our fear we are… Continue reading

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Soul Salon

Respond to the “Dow” with the “Dao” Rena M. Rease The Dao De Jing may be the oldest spiritual document known to man. The title translates to “The Way” and it contains 81 short verses that lend insight into the … Continue reading

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