Qigong For Veterans
Dr. Effie Chow is trying to start free nationwide wellness programs for veterans, and also teach interested veterans a new vocation. This program requires no special clothing, equipment or space and so is easily implemented at no cost. Studies show that wellness programs increase productivity and decrease absenteeism. The advantage is that it can be done right at the facility and the cost to implement such a program is miniscule.
The enthusiastic reception of the first program in the Columbia Veterans Hospital is described in the article http://www.examiner.com/article/qigong-for-veterans
You would do your veteran friends a great service by informing them of this free program and also improving their health, since Dr. Chow is an extraordinary healer. Please contact her at http://eastwestqi.com
Dr.Chow has taught wellness classes worldwide. Such classes are valuable for police and firemen to relieve stress and promote health.
Dr. Effie Chow is trying to start free nationwide wellness programs for veterans, and also teach interested veterans a new vocation. This program requires no special clothing, equipment or space and so is easily implemented at no cost. Studies show that wellness programs increase productivity and decrease absenteeism. The advantage is that it can be done right at the facility and the cost to implement such a program is miniscule.
The enthusiastic reception of the first program in the Columbia Veterans Hospital is described in the article http://www.examiner.com/article/qigong-for-veterans
You would do your veteran friends a great service by informing them of this free program and also improving their health, since Dr. Chow is an extraordinary healer. Please contact her at http://eastwestqi.com
Dr.Chow has taught wellness classes worldwide. Such classes are valuable for police and firemen to relieve stress and promote health.
Effie P.Y. Chow, PhD, RN, LAc (CA),– founder and President of East West Academy of Healing Arts, Dr. Chow is a recognized expert in Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM), a world-renowned qigong energy healer, acupuncturist, author, international speaker, Humanitarian, and Visionary. She wielded the female influence in the world at a time when it was only talked about. As a practitioner, Dr. Chow specializes in successfully working with critical clients and stress-related conditions for whom all else has failed. In 2000, she was appointed by President Clinton to the White House Commission on CAM Policy. Dr. Chow is the only Qigong Grandmaster-Nurse-Acupuncturist in North America who has been active in the development of national health policies within (DHHS) the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. You may visit her institutional web site atwww.eastwestqi.com.