Food As Medicine Issue
by Michelle Wood
Welcome to the July August 2015 issue of Yang Sheng Magazine with the theme of “Food As Medicine.” We have an absolutely delicious issue this month with great recipes as well as many fine articles by well-respected and knowledgeable members of the Chinese Medicine and Mind-Body Healing community around the world. As always, we know you will greatly enjoy and receive much benefit from this issue of Yang Sheng.
Our Feature Article Traditional Chinese Medicine, Food Therapy, and Pre Cancer Condition by Helen Hu, OMD LAc delivers fabulous information regarding dietary ways to boost the immune system to prevent cancer. Our publisher, Dr Kevin Chen includes another article with 16 Foods That Can Effectively Eliminate Cancel Cells Within. Nan Lu OMD writes on “Gain Energy, Lose Weight” – How to “Eat Healthy” for a Healthy Weight. Shiuan Gee invites you to think about all the nearby grocery stores and food markets as your food pharmacies with no prescriptions and with no worries about chemical pollution or medicinal reactions.
A contribution from the Sheng Nong site tell us Why different foods are consumed each season and what are their health benefits? In Seasonal Harmony, Ellasara Kling teaches that true health might be described quite simply as a state of a harmonious, free flow of energy creating balance, unification, and gentle vibrancy of the mind/ body/spirit and (as always) includes several absolutely delectable recipes! An article from Pacific Herbs educates on on the long tradition in China of using medicinal herbs in cuisine.
To complete our issue, The Care of Person in Tai Chi as Educative Mutuality by Mauro Carboni discusses Tai Chi, Lilian Kluivers writes on Preparing for fall with easy exercises to strengthen you chi during summer and fall. The Twelve Tendino-Muscular Meridians. Part 2 continues the acupuncture meridian series by Marty Eisen Ph.D. Chen Jinao: An Introduction by Alan Sims tells us about Chen Jinao, a little-known but amazing master who lived from 1899 (or 1900) to 1971.
This will be the last issue of Yang-Sheng with me as Editor in Chief. I have immensely enjoyed the two-and-a-half years I’ve be able to serve Yang-Sheng and the Chinese Medicine community, and the alternative wellness community. At this time, the press of family commitments and other local projects means I will hand over the reigns of Yang Sheng to another wonderful person.
I thank Dr Kevin Chen for inviting me into this project, first as a columnist in 2006, as an associate editor in 2011, and as Editor in Chief in 2013. Thanking also all our other staff members, associate editors and regular columnists past and present…too many to name!…whom we have relied upon and greatly appreciate! Without you, Yang-Sheng would not be the amazing website and magazine that it is, supporting so many people in mind-body-spirit wellness!