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Tag Archives: honey
TCM Food Therapy – TCM Food Therapy For Dryness
[TCM Food Therapy] TCM Food Therapy For Dryness by Dr. Helen Hu Skin Dryness and mucosa Dryness may cause many physical and emotional discomforts. The Dryness can be from using air conditioning and / or frequently using rubbing alcohol on … Continue reading
Posted in TCM Food Therapy
Tagged black and silver mushroom, black walnut tea, dryness, duck, food, honey, lily bulb, pear dessert, rice porridge, sesame, skin dryness, turnip
Foods For Late Summer
[Seasonal Harmony] Foods For Late Summer by Ellsara Kling “When internal energies are able to circulate smoothly and freely, and the energy of the mind is not scattered, but is focused and concentrated, illness and disease can be avoided.” The … Continue reading
Posted in Seasonal Harmony
Tagged bean sprouts, Chinese Medicine, cucumber, earth element, five element theory, hawthorne berries, honey, late summer, lime, meridian systems, mint, red dates, Spleen, stomach organ, watermelon, yellow