Cardiomyopathy and Congestive Heart Failure
by Helen Hu, OMD
Dilated (congestive) cardiomyopathy is a group of heart muscle disorders in which the ventricles enlarge but are not able to pump enough blood for the body’s needs, resulting in heart failure. In North America, the most common identifiable cause of dilated cardiomyopathy is extensive coronary artery disease. Coxsackie B virus infection and other causes include certain chronic hormonal disorders such as long-standing, poorly controlled diabetes, morbid obesity, a persistently rapid heart rate, or thyroid disease. Dilated cardiomyopathy can also be caused by use of certain substances, especially alcohol, cocaine, antidepressants, and a few chemotherapy drugs. Rare causes of dilated cardiomyopathy include pregnancy and connective tissue disorders such as rheumatoid arthritis. As in coronary artery disease, the weakened heart stretches in an attempt to compensate, resulting in dilated cardiomyopathy and often heart failure. About 70% of people die within 5 years of the first onset of their symptoms. If possible, doctors treat the underlying cause. General treatment measures include avoiding stress, limiting salt in the diet, and having periods of rest, which help reduce strain on the heart, particularly when the cardiomyopathy is acute or severe.
In TCM, cardiomyopathy can be classified into different categories such as, heart Qi deficiency, and heart blood deficiency. Since the spleen and kidney organs normally support and balance with the heart, some cases of cardiomyopathy will be related to the spleen and kidneys.
1. Heart Qi deficiency type:
The principle treatment for this type is to strengthen the bodie’s energy and to calm the spirit: with this type of pattern, patient tends to have frequent shortness of breath, heart palpitations, pressure feeling on the chest with spontaneous sweating. Feelings of fatigue most of the time, feeling sleepy, not motivated to participate and some are not even willing to talk due to lack of vitality.
a. Wild Yam and Beef Soup

Cooking instruction: Boil the two ingredients in 16oz of water (472ml).
Intake: Drink it slowly as and warm tea, once a day.
b. American Ginseng and Date Congee
American Ginseng: 10 g (cut into thin slices) Chinese red date: 5 pieces Cinnamon bar: 6 g Dried Ginger: 6 g Spring rice: 50g Organic milk 4 oz. Dark brown sugarCooking instruction: Cook all herbs in water. First boil at a lower temperature for 20min and then use the herbal juice to cook rice to make rice congee (porridge). When the congee is done, add the organic milk and dark brown sugar in the congee and bring it to boil again for 1-2 min.
Intake: This is one serving. Take once a day. 7 days as course of treatment.
2. Heart Yin deficiency type:
In this pattern of heart condition, patient tends to feel a warm sensation on the chest, palms and bottoms of the feet, heart palpitations, low spirits, forgetfulness, insomnia, dry lips and mouth. They may also have constipation and only a small quantity of urine that is dark in color, regardless of whether or not the patient drinks a lot of water or not.
a. Lotus seed dessert

Cooking instruction: In a pot with water, cook green soy beans and longan fruit. Cook lotus seeds rock sugar together and bring to a boil. Then add fresh pineapple to the soup and serve.
Intake: Can be served alone or along with meals.
b. Cordyceps and sweat rice congee

Cooking instruction: Make rice soup with water, sweet rice and rock sugar and cook untill it’s done. Then add Cordyceps powder in the congee, boiling for 15 minutes. After it’s all done, cover the congee for 5 minutes before serving.
Intake: One serving, once a day. 7 days is a course of treatment.
3. Heart and Spleen deficiency type:
The main symptom in this pattern of heart condition is low appetite, abdominal bloating, pale complexion, easily becoming dizzy, shortness of breath and heart palpitations. Most of the patients with this pattern of diagnosis tend to eat less and sleep less during the night and experience extreme fatigue and low spirits.
a. Dang gui Lamb Soup; 当归羊肉汤

Cooking instruction: Put all the herbs in a gauze cloth and tie off the bag. Put lamb in a clay pot or glassware, with ginger, green onion, salt and cooking wine with the herbal bag together to make soup till the lamb is very tender.
Intake: Along with meal, once a day. Drink the soup and eat the meat.
b. Ginseng and shou wu congee

Cooking instruction: Soak the Polygonum and Lilium bulbs in 500ml water for one hour then bring it to boil for 20 minutes until water is reduced to about 200ml. Then only use the liquid part, the herbal juice, to make congee with spring rice. When the rice congee is done, add American ginseng and Cordyceps powder to the congee and mix well before serving.
Intake: Take it warm as breakfast or dinner, 1-2 times per day
4. Heart and Kidney Yang deficiency type:
The characteristic of this type of heart condition is a feeling of cold on all four limbs with loose stool or/and watery diarrhea and very pale complexion. Most of this type of patient tends to be in a chronic condition and in the elderly manifests with being in very low spirits and exhaustion without enough strength to talk.
a. Ba Ji Beef Soup

Cooking instruction: In a clay pot or glassware, put all ingredient together and appropriate amount of water to cook it at lower temperature until meat is tender and falls apart.
Intake: Serve as side dishe along with meal.
b. Wild Yam Tea
Chinese wild yam: (山药, Dioscorea opposita) 60g Du Zhong : (杜仲Eucommia ulmoides )30gCooking instruction: Wash the two herbs until clean and soak for one hour, then boil at medium temperature for 20-30 minutes. Discard the herb, only drink the juice.
Serve: As tea.