Author Archives: Sharon Montes

Longevity: Lengthen Your Telomeres with Meditation…

 [From the Dancing Doc] Longevity: Lengthen Your Telomeres with Meditation and Die Like a Squirrel By Sharon Montes, MD Chris went to see his doctor and asked him if he would live to be a hundred. “Well, there are some … Continue reading

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Living BIGGER, Better and Longer…

[From the Dancing Doc 舞 医] Living BIGGER, Better and Longer — Change your story of words and sensations  By Sharon Montes, MD “Life Force” by Susan Driver (used with permission of artist)   “There is a danger there … Continue reading

Posted in From the Dancing Doc, Longevity, The Dancing Doc | 1 Comment

What Are You Hungry for?

[From The Dancing Doc 舞医] What Are YOU Hungry for – Carbs; Protein, Fat or Something ELSE? The Science and Art of Nourishment by Sharon Montes, MD When we all close our eyes and imagine Food, glorious food! Hot sausage … Continue reading

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HUMOR In Health – Connection and Holding Space

[From The Dancing Doc] HUMOR IN Health – Connection and Holding Space by Sharon Montes, M.D. The art of medicine consists in amusing the patient while nature cures the disease.                       … Continue reading

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Yin and Yang: Unify to Create Daily Orgasm

[The Dancing Doc] by Sharon Montes, MD * Image reprinted by permission of Rex F. May (Baloo):   I had my first orgasm when I was 10 years old.  Over 40 years later, the vivid memory of the joy … Continue reading

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Cultivating the mind — Mind Matter Connections

 [The Dancing Doc] Cultivating the Mind – Mind Matter Connections By Sharon Montes, MD “I awoke at the train station. As long as I kept my attention on the present moment I was fine. I became stressed when I turned … Continue reading

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Harmony With Nature: Healing Rhythms

[The Dancing Doc] Harmony With Nature: Healing Rhythms – Human, Moon, Earth, and Sun Sharon Montes, MD “She’s a sun worshipper. I wouldn’t trust anything she says as a doctor.” Neighbor’s comment after observing me do QiGong in the park. … Continue reading

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From the Dancing Doc – Action or Inaction

Action or Inaction: Stories about my practice in balance/integration of East and West healing Sharon Montes, M.D. In reflecting on this issue’s theme of action vs. non-action I am bemused by a contrast between eastern and western healing systems. Although … Continue reading

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