Category Archives: Longevity

Energetic Fasting (Bigu) with Dr. Chen

[Reserve the Dates]  Special Qigong Fasting (Bigu) Training  With Dr. Kevin W Chen 服气辟谷  清肠练气  延年益寿 [October 4-7, 2017  in Baltimore, MD]  Background:  Energetic fasting, or Bigu (避谷), has long been a tradition for health  and longevity in Daoist & Buddhist … Continue reading

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Longevity Secrets from the Grand Masters of TCM 国医大师的长寿秘方

[Featured Article] Longevity Secrets from the Grand Masters of Chinese Medicine 国医大师的长寿秘方 (Translated by Jake X. Zhao) [Note from Editor: The “Grand Master of Chinese Medicine” 国医大师 is an honorary title granted by Chinese government, and selected by a panel … Continue reading

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Centenarian In-bed Health Exercises for Longevity

[Featured Article 精选文章] Centenarian In-bed Health Exercises for Longevity 百岁床上保健功  Translation and editing by Kevin W Chen   This in-bed health exercise was introduced and taught by Mr. Kai-Shen Tsui (崔介忱) in Taiwan, who was born in 1910.  He learned … Continue reading

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Updates on Scientific Research of Longevity

[Research Update] Updates on Scientific Research of Longevity Compiled by Kevin W Chen, Ph.D. Exploring the role of genetic variability and lifestyle in oxidative stress response for healthy aging and longevity. Int J Mol Sci. 2013; 14(8):16443-72. By  Dato S, … Continue reading

Posted in Longevity, Research Update | 2 Comments

Longevity: Lengthen Your Telomeres with Meditation…

 [From the Dancing Doc] Longevity: Lengthen Your Telomeres with Meditation and Die Like a Squirrel By Sharon Montes, MD Chris went to see his doctor and asked him if he would live to be a hundred. “Well, there are some … Continue reading

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Stimulating Our Longevity Points

[Method of Self-Healing 自愈法] Stimulating Our Longevity Points by Lilian Kluivers   The next series of Do-In exercises stimulates the Longevity points, which help us to restore our yang energy and remove or prevent obstructions in our Qi flow. ‘Do … Continue reading

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Basic Literacy of Citizen in Yang-Sheng & Well-being

[Ancient Wisdom 前人智慧] Basic Literacy of Chinese Citizen in TCM Yang-Sheng and Well-Being 中国公民中医养生保健素养 State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine & National Committee of Health and Family Planning (May 16, 2014) (Translated and edited by Kevin W Chen, Ph.D.)   … Continue reading

Posted in Ancient Wisdom, Longevity | 1 Comment

Five Golden Points with Anti-Aging Effects

[[Longevity 长寿]  The Five Golden Points in Human Body with Anti-Aging Effects 人体五大黄金穴–常揉抗衰老 Compiled by Kevin W Chen  The golden ratio point (a.k.a. extreme and mean ratio, 0.61803398…) is a number often encountered when taking the ratios of distances in … Continue reading

Posted in Longevity, Self Healing Method | 15 Comments

Living BIGGER, Better and Longer…

[From the Dancing Doc 舞 医] Living BIGGER, Better and Longer — Change your story of words and sensations  By Sharon Montes, MD “Life Force” by Susan Driver (used with permission of artist)   “There is a danger there … Continue reading

Posted in From the Dancing Doc, Longevity, The Dancing Doc | 1 Comment

From the Doctor — A New Love Story

[From the Doctor] A New Love Story Nadia Linda Hole, M.D.   “Enjoy life. There’s plenty of time to be dead” – Hans Christian Andersen “From your I AM is born … the song that beautifies all” – Aramaic Lord’s … Continue reading

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