Category Archives: Self Healing Method

Unlock Your Health Potential with Daoist Bigu (Energetic Fasting)

For the forth year we are offering the teaching of an ancient Daoist wellness practice — Bigu (避谷 energetic fasting) — online by Zoom platform, in response to the overwhelming demand for better health and deep mind-body connection. This is probably the best time for you to invest in your own health and well-being through Qigong fasting (Bigu) and mindset training. Continue reading

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Qigong Bigu or Fasting: The Best Investment in Your Health and Long-Term Wellness

Qigong Bigu or Fasting: The Best Investment in Your Health and Long-Term Wellness 辟谷养生、祛病强身、 延年益寿 Kevin W CHEN, Ph.D. Although the pandemic of COVID-19 is gradually over now, the infectious diseases and their effects are still around the world, and … Continue reading

Posted in Daoism, Food as Medicine, Self Healing Method | Tagged , , , , , | 1 Comment

TCM Energy & Rehabilitation Tour (15-days Retreat)

[Wellness Tour] 2018 TCM Energy & Rehabilitation Tour (15 days) — A comprehensive retreat for those with cancer & chronic diseases  ENNOVA Health Management Join us for a special 15-day rehabilitation tour (retreat) designed to support your cancer recovery, chronic-disease … Continue reading

Posted in Emotional Health, Self Healing Method, Wellness Tour | Leave a comment

Five Golden Points with Anti-Aging Effects

[[Longevity 长寿]  The Five Golden Points in Human Body with Anti-Aging Effects 人体五大黄金穴–常揉抗衰老 Compiled by Kevin W Chen  The golden ratio point (a.k.a. extreme and mean ratio, 0.61803398…) is a number often encountered when taking the ratios of distances in … Continue reading

Posted in Longevity, Self Healing Method | 15 Comments

Master YiShi Yang & His Calligraphy on Immortal Living-Massage Method

[Cultivating The Mind] Master YiShi Yang and  His Famous Calligraphy on  Immortal Living-Massage Method by Kevin Chen, Ph.D   神仙起居法 行住坐臥處,手摩脅與肚。 心腹通快時,兩手腸下踞。 踞之徹膀腰,背拳摩腎部。 才覺力倦來,即使家人助。 行之不厭頻,晝夜無窮數。 歲久積功成,漸入神仙路。   Master Yi-Shi Yang (杨凝式) (873–954), also known as Yang Shaoshi (杨少师), was a … Continue reading

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