Tag Archives: chinese

From The Master – Reflections on The Chinese and Mexican Calendars

            From The Master Reflections on The Chinese and Mexican Calendars Kenneth Cohen            China and Mexico are the only ancient cultures in the world that have a two-part calendrical system. In … Continue reading

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Master YiShi Yang & His Calligraphy on Immortal Living-Massage Method

[Cultivating The Mind] Master YiShi Yang and  His Famous Calligraphy on  Immortal Living-Massage Method by Kevin Chen, Ph.D   神仙起居法 行住坐臥處,手摩脅與肚。 心腹通快時,兩手腸下踞。 踞之徹膀腰,背拳摩腎部。 才覺力倦來,即使家人助。 行之不厭頻,晝夜無窮數。 歲久積功成,漸入神仙路。   Master Yi-Shi Yang (杨凝式) (873–954), also known as Yang Shaoshi (杨少师), was a … Continue reading

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Proverbs of Yang-Sheng 养生格言

Chinese Proverbs on Positivity and Health 笑一笑,十年少;愁一愁,白了头。 Smile a smile and you will look ten years younger. Worry a worry and you will gain more grey hair. 一笑烦恼跑,二笑怒气消,三笑憾事了,四笑病魔逃,五笑人不老,六笑乐逍遥 One smile exiles the worrisome; Two smiles diminish the anger; Three smiles … Continue reading

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