Tag Archives: wisdom

Chinese Wisdom – Chinese Wisdom for Yang Sheng

[Chinese Wisdom] Chinese Wisdom for Yang Sheng Helen Hu, OMD 1. Keep silent in order for Nourishing Qi, closing eyes to restore blood, sleeping early to rejuvenate essence and keeping inner peace to raise spirit. 2. Fame seeking injures the … Continue reading

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Integral Wisdom – Staying Healthy in all Seasons

by Mark Melchiorre, L.Ac. Act in accordance with seasonal, geographic, and personal factors. This is a statement of fact in traditional Chinese medicine. Our system of traditional medicine is intimately connected to the ebb and flow of the energy in … Continue reading

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The Miracle of Self-Initiated Healing

The Miracle of Self-Initiated Healing adapted from The Healer Within by Roger Jahnke, OMD In the amazing universe of Mind-Body Practice and Energy-Based Healing methodologies, there is one very profound bit of information that turns on our sense of the … Continue reading

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Biophotonics-Bioenergy Results are in from the Rhine Center Experiment

Biophotonics-Bioenergy Results are in from the Rhine Center Experiment These results may shock the energy field workers with its implication by Sifu Don Brown Qigong, Pranic, Reiki, Yoga and other types of energy practices tap into a source fromthe bioenergy … Continue reading

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Gateway Through the Mysterious Pass

Heart/Mind Qigong: Gateway Through the Mysterious Pass With excerpts from The Healing Promise of Qi by Roger Jahnke. OMD Published by Contemporary Books, A Division of McGraw-Hill, April 2002   At the Nine Clouds Mountain Qigong Sanatorium near the Six … Continue reading

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From The Editor

From the Editor Welcome to the November issue of Yang Sheng! The theme for this issue is painted with broad brush strokes and encompasses all of the Yang-Sheng, nurturing life practices. Kevin W Chen, Ph.D. MPH. shares main points from … Continue reading

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On Eating

On Eating by Solala Towler The Master was traveling with some of her students. At one of their stops they were served the meat of a pig. The students were horrified to see the Master calmly eating this forbidden food. … Continue reading

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Experience Exchange

Increase Happiness with Tai Chi and Qigong Practice by Jeff Simonton Our ability to adapt plays a big role in whether we are able to live a generally happy and stress-free life.  I know that I’m certainly not the first one to … Continue reading

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Proverbs of Yang-Sheng 养生格言

Chinese Proverbs on Positivity and Health 笑一笑,十年少;愁一愁,白了头。 Smile a smile and you will look ten years younger. Worry a worry and you will gain more grey hair. 一笑烦恼跑,二笑怒气消,三笑憾事了,四笑病魔逃,五笑人不老,六笑乐逍遥 One smile exiles the worrisome; Two smiles diminish the anger; Three smiles … Continue reading

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Tales from the Dao

Playing With The Fish by Solala Towler   Zhuangzi often ridiculed the strenuous efforts of his contemporaries to attain immortality by subjecting themselves to various ascetic practices. At the same time, he was concerned about how the human mind—so vast, … Continue reading

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