Tag Archives: Life

Chinese Wisdom – Chinese Wisdom for Yang Sheng

[Chinese Wisdom] Chinese Wisdom for Yang Sheng Helen Hu, OMD 1. Keep silent in order for Nourishing Qi, closing eyes to restore blood, sleeping early to rejuvenate essence and keeping inner peace to raise spirit. 2. Fame seeking injures the … Continue reading

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From The Doctor – Birthing Aloha, Back To Now

  From The Doctor   Any intelligent fool can make things bigger & more complex… It takes a touch of genius and a lot of courage, to move in the opposite direction  ~Albert Einstein “If the door shuts, do not … Continue reading

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Echoes of Emptiness (虚之響)-Taiji

Echoes of Emptiness (虚之響) Taiji by Jacob Newell (Daoshi Gu Shen Yu) Taiji (太極) is a Chinese fitness system based on relaxed body alignment and smooth flow of energy. It is also a moving meditation based on the philosophy of … Continue reading

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