Category Archives: Echoes of Emptiness (虚之響)

Jacob Newell’s Column on selected poetry…

Poetry — Renga

[Echoes of emptiness]  Renga By Rene Navarro and Nadine Sarreal October 1999-April 2000   Traditional renga was a group activity in which each participant displayed his wit by spontaneously composing a poem in response to the poem that came before; … Continue reading

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Yin Yang You

[Spirituality of Dao 道之 神] By Raven Cohan A swirl on one side, black. A swirl on the other side, white. A dot in the thick parts… Like a star in the night And a cinder in the cream. The … Continue reading

Posted in Echoes of Emptiness (虚之響), Spirituality of Dao, Yin Yang | Tagged , , , | 3 Comments

Echoes of Emptiness (虚之響) – Gongfu

Echoes of Emptiness (虚之響) Gongfu by Jacob Newell (Gu Shen Yu Daoshi) Gongfu (功夫) is a Chinese term which refers to special skill acquired by long, hard practice.  While often equated with martial art, it actually applies equally to any … Continue reading

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Echoes of Emptiness (虚之響)-Taiji

Echoes of Emptiness (虚之響) Taiji by Jacob Newell (Daoshi Gu Shen Yu) Taiji (太極) is a Chinese fitness system based on relaxed body alignment and smooth flow of energy. It is also a moving meditation based on the philosophy of … Continue reading

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Echoes of Emptiness (虚之響)-Unknowing

Unknowing by © Jacob Newell (Daoshi Gu Shen Yu) When we are born, nature gives us the wonderful gift of unknowing.  But human beings tend to overlook the value of this gift and treat it as an affliction.  And so … Continue reading

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Echoes of Emptiness (虚之響)-Happiness

Happiness   by © Jacob Newell (Daoshi Gu Shen Yu) In a sense we can consider the goal of meditation to be achieving happiness.  But this view is self-limiting in that it relegates meditation to being a cure for a … Continue reading

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Echoes of Emptiness (虚之響)-Gradual and Sudden

Gradual and Sudden by © Jacob Newell (Daoshi Gu Shen Yu) When it comes to cultivating qi, there is no question that Laozi suggests we take a gradual approach.  “A tree too large to embrace starts as a tiny shoot; … Continue reading

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The Natural Process of Internal Alchemy (内丹自然)

© Jacob Newell (Daoshi Gu Shen Yu) Introduction Daoist cultivation is a process of internal transformation or alchemy which works with the subtle energies of the body in a gradual process of refinement.  This process is natural, however, and should … Continue reading

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Echoes of Emptiness (虚之響)-Original Paradise

Original Paradise by© Jacob Newell (Daoshi Gu Shen Yu) For me Daoist practice means looking inside and going back to the original beginning.  One of Laozi’s primary principles is “return” (fu, 复).  For Westerners who tend to view our existential … Continue reading

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Echoes of Emptiness (虚之響)-Selected Poetry

Selected Poetry by© Jacob Newell (Daoshi Gu Shen Yu) Since ancient times, Daoists have used poetry and other art forms to express mystical experience, convey teaching, and transmit energy. A Daoist poem arises naturally out of the stillness of an … Continue reading

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