Tag Archives: science

Scientific Qi Exploration. Some Modern Scientific Theories of Qi

1. Introduction Recent scientific discoveries, such as, the theories of strings and subtle energy, can be used to model Qi. Some physical and biological manifestations accompanying Qi in the body, such as, infra-red radiation will be presented in later parts. … Continue reading

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Scientific Taijiquan

[Taiji and Science] Scientific Taijiquan by Chun Man Sit   Master Wu Tu Nan (1884 – 1989) In the 1940s, Master Wu Tunan wrote a book called “The Scientific Way of Taijiquan”. Master Wu Tunan learned Taiji from two famous … Continue reading

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Mind-Body Research Update

Mind-Body Medicine Research Update Compiled by Kevin Chen, Ph.D. Effects of Tai Chi on pre-landing muscle response latency during stepping down while performing a concurrent mental task in older adults. Eur. J Appl. Physiol. 2011 Nov 22. by Tsang WW, … Continue reading

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From the Editor

Welcome to the December issue of Yang-Sheng! “The Healer Within” is the theme of this issue. The ability to maintain one’s health and balance is an integral aspect of every person’s body, mind/heart and spirit. Each of us has that … Continue reading

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Scientific Qi Exploration-Qigong and the Lymphatic System

Scientific Qi Exploration Qigong and the Lymphatic System by Martin Eisen, Ph.D. 1.  Lymph The tissues of the body are supplied by minute arterial capillaries, bringing oxygen-rich blood and nutrients to cells by means of fluid, similar to blood plasma, … Continue reading

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Research Update

Taiji and Qigong Practitioners Report a Cornucopia of Benefits by Matthew Komelski, Ph.D. An in-depth qualitative report about the experiences of Taiji/Qigong practitioners enrolled in an intervention study at the University of Illinois has just been published in the Journal … Continue reading

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From The Editor

From the Editor Welcome to the November issue of Yang Sheng! The theme for this issue is painted with broad brush strokes and encompasses all of the Yang-Sheng, nurturing life practices. Kevin W Chen, Ph.D. MPH. shares main points from … Continue reading

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Scientific Qi Exploration-15a

Psychological Effects of Qigong Practice © Marty Eisen, Ph.D. 1.  Introduction The concept of stress and its deleterious effects were introduced in (1).  Some beneficial effects of Qigong and Tai Chi on stress and its related signs, syndromes or diseases, … Continue reading

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There is No Jin 劲 (Part 1)

From the Master There is No Jin 劲 (Part 1) by © Chun Man Sit The ether In the nineteenth century, most scientists and physicists believed the entire universe was covered with a fixed, invisible substance called the ether, or … Continue reading

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Method of Self Healing – Laughter Therapy

Laughter Therapy Kathy Chan, MBA Laughter is a behavior that we are all familiar with and have personal experience with.  So, what is Laughter Therapy?  It is the act of consciously practicing laughter.  What are the therapeutic effects of Laughter … Continue reading

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