Category Archives: Taiji and Science

Taiji: A New Foundation

[Experience Exchange 经验交流]  Taiji: A New Foundation by Alan Sims During one of my many trips to the Tai Chi Farm, I ran into an unusual if not amusing situation in terms of my attitude towards master Jou’s repeated displays … Continue reading

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Book Review – Harvard Medical School Guide to Tai Chi

The Harvard Medical School Guide to Tai Chi provides insights into the traditional principles of Tai Chi through the eyes of modern medicine. Continue reading

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Taiji and Science – To MOVE Or Not To MOVE

[Taiji and Science] To MOVE Or Not To MOVE Chun Man Sit There are two major types of qigong methods: 1) stillness qigong 2)  moving qigong. Stillness Qigong Stillness qigong includes sitting qigong and standing qigong. Students hold a certain posture and … Continue reading

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Scientific Taijiquan

[Taiji and Science] Scientific Taijiquan by Chun Man Sit   Master Wu Tu Nan (1884 – 1989) In the 1940s, Master Wu Tunan wrote a book called “The Scientific Way of Taijiquan”. Master Wu Tunan learned Taiji from two famous … Continue reading

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