Tag Archives: breathe

Taiji and Science – To MOVE Or Not To MOVE

[Taiji and Science] To MOVE Or Not To MOVE Chun Man Sit There are two major types of qigong methods: 1) stillness qigong 2)  moving qigong. Stillness Qigong Stillness qigong includes sitting qigong and standing qigong. Students hold a certain posture and … Continue reading

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Happiness In Your Life – Metamorphosis

Happiness In Your Life Metamorphosis by Doe Zantamata Personal Metamorphosis is usually triggered by some event in life, often a jarring event that shatters what we thought “the picture” would be- a divorce, a major illness, a death of someone … Continue reading

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Meditation In Motion – Sinking the Qi

  Meditation In Motion Sinking The Qi by Eric Borreson         Sinking the qi is a common term in taiji, but many people find it very confusing. Sinking the qi simply refers to using your breath to help … Continue reading

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Relaxation Through Smiling Exercise

[Self Healing Method] Relaxing Though Smiling Exercise 道家微笑大法 This exercise is designed to help you quickly recover from fatigue, reduce stress, increase your energy and efficiency. You can do this at anytime and anywhere. You can do this exercise by … Continue reading

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From The Doctor – Happy Qi!

[From The Doctor] Happy Qi by Nadia Hole “Happiness is a choice” ~Abraham Lincoln Happy Qi! & Holy Shift!  (Dec 2011) Anyone else notice the butterfly ripple effect of the Yin Yang of Solar Flares, Heaven on Earth, & Other … Continue reading

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Tales from the Dao-Looking Up

Looking Up by Solala Towler My personal practice these days consists, in a large part, in something I call Looking Up. By Looking Up I mean, number one, to physically look up. It is amazing how often we travel down … Continue reading

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