Tag Archives: self healing

How to Relax Your Feet to Improve Your Martial & Healing Arts

[Experience Exchange 经验交流] How to Relax Your Feet to Improve Your Martial & Healing Arts By Raven Cohan Arches and the entire foot are improved not by tightening feet, but by relaxing them. The challenge is that most people need … Continue reading

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Simple techniques to promote self-healing

[Method of Self-Healing 自愈法]  Simple Techniques to Promote Self-healing by Lilian Kluivers The most beautiful thing about working with Chinese medicine, is to enable people heal themselves. There are so many things we can learn our clients regarding their health. … Continue reading

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Happy Body — Do In

[Method of Self-Healing 自愈法 ] Happy Body — Do-In by Lilian Kluivers Do-In, a form of Dao Yin that is further developed in Japan, is a system of exercises that promotes our energy flow. Do-In combines meridian stretching with meditative … Continue reading

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Daily Daoist – Tai Chi: Got Gong

[Daily Daoist] Tai Chi: Got Gong? Jessice Sommar, MSc Tai chi is like any art, sport or devotion – the more you do it, the more you build up what the Chinese call ‘gong’ or ‘benefit from work.’ We don’t … Continue reading

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East-West Perspective – Chinese Wellness Based Healthcare System

East-West Perspective Chinese Wellness Based Healthcare System: An Inspiring Solution To Health & Economic Crisis in America by Dr. Roger Jahnke “The most profound medicine is produced naturally in the human body – for free!” This is the innovative foundation … Continue reading

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Master YiShi Yang & His Calligraphy on Immortal Living-Massage Method

[Cultivating The Mind] Master YiShi Yang and  His Famous Calligraphy on  Immortal Living-Massage Method by Kevin Chen, Ph.D   神仙起居法 行住坐臥處,手摩脅與肚。 心腹通快時,兩手腸下踞。 踞之徹膀腰,背拳摩腎部。 才覺力倦來,即使家人助。 行之不厭頻,晝夜無窮數。 歲久積功成,漸入神仙路。   Master Yi-Shi Yang (杨凝式) (873–954), also known as Yang Shaoshi (杨少师), was a … Continue reading

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Investing in Ourselves

East-West Perspectives Investing in Ourselves by Arthur Rosenfeld One worrisome development among many in the consumptive frenzy of our so-called culture is that our innate desire to improve ourselves has been transformed into a desire to improve our material position. … Continue reading

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Seasonal Harmony

Seasonal Harmony by Ellasara Kling “The natural healing force within each one of us is the greatest force in getting well. Our food should be our medicine. Our medicine should be our food.” Hippocrates: Greek physician (circa — 460 BCE … Continue reading

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Method of Self Healing – Laughter Therapy

Laughter Therapy Kathy Chan, MBA Laughter is a behavior that we are all familiar with and have personal experience with.  So, what is Laughter Therapy?  It is the act of consciously practicing laughter.  What are the therapeutic effects of Laughter … Continue reading

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