Monthly Archives: August 2011

From the Doctor–Managing Chemotherapy Side-Effects

[From the Doctor] Managing chemotherapy side-effects with Taiji Quan (TJQ) and related complementary mind-body therapies (MBT): an aperçu. By Claude Fournier, MD. Centre de santé et de services sociaux de Beauce. A diagnosis of cancer is already a source of … Continue reading

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Illuminating the Dao – Miracle of Doing Nothing

Illuminating the Dao – The Miracle of Doing Nothing Michelle Wood Before you read today’s Illuminating the Dao column, you may want to take a couple of minutes and enjoy this YouTube video. It’s a slide show of George Harrison, … Continue reading

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Scientific Qi Exploration-9a

Effects of Qigong on the Nervous System (9a) by Martin Eisen, Ph.D. Introduction Qigong produces physiological effects on the nervous system. To appreciate and understand these effects, some background material on the nervous system is required and will be presented … Continue reading

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Qigong for Seniors

Living Better, Living Longer, Living Happier By Cindy A. Borgonzi It’s my belief that all education and exercise needs to be fun and uplifting, because all the good energy stays with us all day and boots our outlook on life. … Continue reading

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The Tai Chi Examiner

A Magical Qigong Moment with Master Zhang Xue Xin by Violet Li Master Zhang Xue Xin currently residing in San Francisco, California is a senior US Disciple of Grandmaster Feng Zhiqiang of Beijing, China and studied both the Lao Jia … Continue reading

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Chinese Proverb of Yang Sheng

Nurturing Life and Cultivating Mind by Tina Zhang 养生以养心为主 心不病则神不病 神不病则人不病.    (清·梁文科《集验良方》 An old Chinese proverb say: To nurture one’s life and health, is mainly accomplished by cultivating one’s mind. If the mind is calm and clear, the spirit is … Continue reading

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