Author Archives: Solala Towler

Wisdom from the Dao De Jing

Wisdom From the Dao De Jing (interpretation by Solala Towler) The highest sage is like water. Water benefits the ten thousand beings Yet contends with no one. It flows in places that people reject. In this way it is close … Continue reading

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Tales from the Dao

The Horse Breeder (from Lieh Tzu) by Solala Towler Pen Lo had bred horses for the Duke for many years. Now he was getting old and the Duke asked him if there was anyone in his family who would be … Continue reading

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The Empty Vessel

The Empty Vessel The Journal of Daoist Philosophy and Practice Publishing since 1993 The Empty Vessel is a quarterly publication exploring  Daoist philosophy and practice in daily life. In Daoism we can find a way of being, a way of … Continue reading

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Featured Article

A Personal Story of Healing Through Chinese Herbs & Qigong By Solala Towler Around 35 years ago I had a bad bout with infectious hepatitis, giardia, and amoeba histolytic–all at the same time!  Needless to say, it was a long … Continue reading

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Tales from the Dao

Down by the River By Solala Towler The old man sat on the muddy bank of the great river, fishing quietly and watching the water flow. He liked it here, out with the sun and the mosquitoes, his toes squishing … Continue reading

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From the Editor

This subject of Nourishing Life practice is a very ancient one yet many of the ideas and practices offered in these pages are as up to date as can be. Many of the problems facing humankind today are the same as those of the Tang Dynasty and earlier. Yet some are totally new. This world of ours, racing faster and faster and becoming more and more toxic, is full of modern ills. Alternative health modalities, including Chinese medicine and many more, have also been developed and can be of much help for many of the illnesses and complaints of the modern world. Continue reading

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Featured Article

Yang sheng, the art of nourishing life, covers a wide variety of health, spiritual and immortality practices dating back to the times of Laozi and Zhuangzi, and perhaps further back to the early days of Chinese (wu) shamanism. Some believe the practices of yang sheng go back at least 3700 years, to the time of the Yellow Emperor. Continue reading

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From the Editor …

Thought I would take a few words and introduce myself as the new Editor-In-Chief. My name is Solala Towler and I have been working with Daoist philosophy and Yang Sheng practices for over 23 years. I have been publishing… Continue reading

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