Tag Archives: Daodejing

Illuminating the Dao – Happiness Creates Health

Happiness Creates Health By Michelle Wood If you follow the field of alternative wellness – and if you are reading Yang Sheng I’m sure you do! -you know that strong, scientific evidence is building in favor of fostering emotional well-being … Continue reading

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Wisdom from the Dao De Jing

Wisdom From the Dao De Jing (interpretation by Solala Towler) The highest sage is like water. Water benefits the ten thousand beings Yet contends with no one. It flows in places that people reject. In this way it is close … Continue reading

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Illuminating the Dao 悟道

Illness and Wellness: There Are Two Sides To Every Story By Michelle Wood I’m sure I’m not telling you something you don’t already know by pointing out that, like yin and yang, illness and wellness are two endings to the … Continue reading

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