Category Archives: Nurturing Spirit

Bigu (Energetic Fasting) — The Most Powerful Way to Activate Self-healing

[Method of Self Healing] BIGU (Qigong Fasting) — The Most Powerful Way to Activate Self-Healing Potential (Special Training  Information with Dr. Kevin W Chen) 服气辟谷  清肠练气  延年益寿 [March 27-30, 2020  in Baltimore, MD] Background:  Energetic fasting, or Bigu (避谷), has … Continue reading

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Nurture Life — Discover Who You Are

[Spirituality of Dao  道之神] Nurture Life, Discover Who You Are By Christina J Barea, DP, MMQ Listening deeply to the quiet sound of leaves unfolding at Spring I breathe in and embody the miracle manifested in each and every tree. … Continue reading

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My #1 Priority is Nurturing My Spirit

[Experience Exchange] Why My Number One Priority is Nurturing My Spirit  By Raven Cohen When I saw the theme of this month’s issue of Yang-Sheng, it was a happy moment.  Of course when one spends a great deal of time … Continue reading

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From the Editor

[From the Editor] by Michelle Wood   I am happy that our theme for this first Yang Shen issue of 2014 is Nurturing Spirit. This is a wonderful way to experience the second half of the quiet, winter season as … Continue reading

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