Category Archives: Scientific Qi Exploration

Martin Eisen’s Column

What is Yoga? Yoga Therapy?

What is Yoga?  Yoga Therapy? by Martin Eisen Most people have erroneous ideas about classical Yoga. Yoga was a spiritual discipline. There were moral precepts and prohibitions that disciples had to follow. In addition, there could be dietary restrictions. Yoga … Continue reading

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Scientific Qi Exploration. Part 17a (part 2) Meridians and Organs – Yin Organs

Scientific Qi Exploration Scientific Qi Exploration. Part 17a (part 2) Meridians and Organs – Yin Organs by Marty Eisen Ph.D. The Kidneys (Shen) The Kidneys are the foundation of Yin and Yang of all the other Organs. Kidney Yin provides … Continue reading

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Scientific Qi Exploration-Meridians and Organs. Yin Organs

Scientific Qi Exploration. Part 17a. Meridians and Organs. Yin Organs by Marty Eisen Ph.D. 1. Introduction First, the Chinese concepts of Meridians and Organs will be introduced in a series of articles. Then, possible western scientific explanation of some of these … Continue reading

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Scientific Qi Exploration-Qigong and the Lymphatic System

Scientific Qi Exploration Qigong and the Lymphatic System by Martin Eisen, Ph.D. 1.  Lymph The tissues of the body are supplied by minute arterial capillaries, bringing oxygen-rich blood and nutrients to cells by means of fluid, similar to blood plasma, … Continue reading

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Chinese Bigu (避谷) for Yang Sheng

Chinese Bigu (避谷) for Yang Sheng by  Martin Eisen, Ph.D. What is Bigu? In Chinese “Bi” means to stop or avoid, and “Gu” means grain, including rice, corn or wheat. Therefore, Bigu means to avoid grain or stop eating. One … Continue reading

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Scientific Qi Exploration-15b

(Part 15b) Psychological Effects of Qigong 4. Qigong as a treatment of mental illness (a) Depression and Psychosomatic Disorders Depression is a mental disorder characterized by sustained depression of mood, anhedonia, sleep and appetite disturbances, and feelings of worthlessness, guilt, … Continue reading

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Scientific Qi Exploration-9b

Scientific Qi Exploration: Part 9b Qigong and Autonomic Nervous System (ANS) Martin Eisen, Ph.D 1. Introduction Qigong’s effects on the autonomic nervous system (ANS) will be studied. To understand these research studies, the biochemistry of some neurotransmitters will be discussed … Continue reading

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Scientific Qi Exploration-9a

Effects of Qigong on the Nervous System (9a) by Martin Eisen, Ph.D. Introduction Qigong produces physiological effects on the nervous system. To appreciate and understand these effects, some background material on the nervous system is required and will be presented … Continue reading

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Scientific Qi Exploration-15a

Psychological Effects of Qigong Practice © Marty Eisen, Ph.D. 1.  Introduction The concept of stress and its deleterious effects were introduced in (1).  Some beneficial effects of Qigong and Tai Chi on stress and its related signs, syndromes or diseases, … Continue reading

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Scientific Qi Exploration-12

Part 12: Qigong and the Cardiovascular System Marty Eisen Ph. D. 1.  Introduction The effects of Qigong on blood pressure appear in Section 2.  Section 3 presents studies on heart rate and rhythm.   Cardiac output effects appear in Section 4.  … Continue reading

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