Monthly Archives: February 2011

Featured Article

Yang sheng, the art of nourishing life, covers a wide variety of health, spiritual and immortality practices dating back to the times of Laozi and Zhuangzi, and perhaps further back to the early days of Chinese (wu) shamanism. Some believe the practices of yang sheng go back at least 3700 years, to the time of the Yellow Emperor. Continue reading

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From the Editor …

Thought I would take a few words and introduce myself as the new Editor-In-Chief. My name is Solala Towler and I have been working with Daoist philosophy and Yang Sheng practices for over 23 years. I have been publishing… Continue reading

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Yang Sheng Welcomes You

From my introductory article “What is Yang Sheng” you may realize that Yang Sheng is one of the most important concepts in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), it is the root of Chinese medicine, and the foundation of human health. However, this magazine or network is not about Chinese medicine, but about the common accessible practices for ordinary people to cultivate health and harmony through daily activities. Rather than treating disease, the focus of Yang Sheng is on maintaining balance through an awareness of our connection to nature, to our own bodies, and to the spirit. Continue reading

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From the Master

Zhi (Memory) – The Spirit of the Kidneys By Master Zhongxian Wu Ancient Wu 巫 (Chinese shamans) taught us that every part of the body has its own spirit residing within. In the traditional Chinese shamanic or Daoist spiritual cultivation, … Continue reading

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Nurture Life, Discover Who You Are By Christina J Barea, DP, MMQ

The key to effectively practicing yangsheng and making informed choices is to understand what our true nature is. Daoist scripture teaches us that we are small beams of light emanating from a Divine source manifested into a human body, and so at our essence we are Divine beings having a human experience. Continue reading

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Introduction to Yang Sheng

Yǎng Shēng (養生) may be the most important concept in TCM and Chinese health culture. The Chinese word “Yang” means to nurture, take care of, and nourish; “Sheng” means life, birth, and vitality. Together “Yang Sheng” means to nurture or nourish life — fostering health and well being by nurturing body, mind and spirit in harmony with the natural rhythms, and with universal laws. Sometimes Yang Sheng is also translated as health preservation, life cultivation, or life nourishment. Continue reading

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Tai chi exercise for patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

To determine the feasibility of a randomized controlled trial of the effect of a tai chi program on quality of life and exercise capacity in patients with COPD. METHODS: We randomized 10 patients with… Continue reading

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Role of naturopathy and yoga treatment in the management of hypertension

he primary aim was to study the effect of naturopathy and yoga interventions in treatment of mild to moderate hypertension. DESIGN: The variables of interest were measured at the beginning and end of the intervention using a pre-post design. SETTING: The study was conducted by INYS medical research society in Jindal Nature Cure Institute, Bangalore. SUBJECTS: A total of 104 subjects… Continue reading

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Green tea polyphenols supplementation and Tai Chi exercise for postmenopausal osteopenic women

Evidence suggests that both green tea polyphenols (GTP) and Tai Chi (TC) exercise may benefit bone health in osteopenic women. However, their safety in this population has never been systematically investigated. In particular, there have been hepatotoxicity concerns related to green tea extract. This study was to evaluate… Continue reading

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Treating fibromyalgia with mindfulness-based stress reduction

Mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR) is a structured 8-week group program teaching mindfulness meditation and mindful yoga exercises. MBSR aims to help participants develop… Continue reading

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