Monthly Archives: October 2013

A Comedy Moment

Intent To Meditate   The other side One day a young Buddhist on his journey home came to the banks of a wide river. Staring hopelessly at the great obstacle in front of him, he pondered for hours on just … Continue reading

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Mood, Food and Move – Three Secrets Part III

Amazing Food – The Gift of Nature Coordinating Diet and Nature by Shiuan Gee In our healthy life, the only thing more important than food is happiness. There is an old Chinese saying: “people regard food as their god.” From … Continue reading

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Seasonal Harmony — Everything Flows

[Seasonal Harmony] “Everything Flows” By Ellasara Kling Heraclitus of Ephesus (6th Century BCE) The cycle of the seasons, the regular rhythmical interchange of one season into another, can almost be ignored due to the technological advances of our modern life. … Continue reading

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Concept of Harmony and Daoist Yangsheng vs. Western Medical Thought

The Concept of Harmony related to Daoist Yangsheng and Western Medical Thought By Matthew Banks  Modern Western understandings of health and disease are seen as grounded in science, indeed the 20th century has sometimes been referred to as “the Pharmaceutical Age.”  … Continue reading

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Scientific Qi Exploration

[Scientific Qi Exploration] Meridian System — Part 1. The Collaterals by Marty Eisen Ph.D. 1.  The Fifteen Collaterals (Luo) or Connecting Vessels (1,2,3) The translation of Luo is “net.”  It is used in Chinese Medicine to refer to the Collaterals.  … Continue reading

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Qigong Institute Founder Ken Sancier Dies

[Qigong News] QIGONG INSTITUTE FOUNDER & CEO KEN SANCIER DIES Tom Rogers (President, Qigong Institute, Inc.) Los Altos, California. August 11, 2013 – Dr. Ken Sancier, the founder of the non-profit Qigong Institute (, has passed away at age 93. Dr. … Continue reading

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Can You Be Like Water?

Can You Be Like Water? By Bob McBrien & Vincent Guiterrez Imagine a group of university students signing up for a course that involves three hourly classes each week during the semester learning and practicing qigong and tai chi. It … Continue reading

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You Can’t Do Qigong

You Can’t Do Qigong By Rodney Owens One simply can’t do Qigong.  The thing that we are looking for, the experience of Qi flow, the “Qigong State” if you will, is not something that can be acquired by doing.  It … Continue reading

Posted in Qigong, Wuji in Motion | Tagged | 8 Comments

Opening the Body to Nature

[Feature Article] Opening the Body to Nature By Rene J. Navarro, Dipl. Ac. (NCCAOM)  I have often done qigong and Tai chi chuan in power vortices – in the pyramids at Gisa and the temples in Upper Egypt (Karnak, Dendera, … Continue reading

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Harmony With Nature: Healing Rhythms

[The Dancing Doc] Harmony With Nature: Healing Rhythms – Human, Moon, Earth, and Sun Sharon Montes, MD “She’s a sun worshipper. I wouldn’t trust anything she says as a doctor.” Neighbor’s comment after observing me do QiGong in the park. … Continue reading

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