Category Archives: Meditation in Motion

Eric Borreson’s Column

Meditation In Motion — Yin & Yang in Taiji

Meditation in Motion Yin and Yang in Taiji by Eric Borreson One of the fundamental principles of taiji is that we start in wuji, or neutral emptiness. As we begin to move, wuji separates into yin and yang, the opposite … Continue reading

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Taiji and Qigong for Immune System Health

Taiji and Qigong for Immune System Health by Eric Borreson There is considerable evidence that taiji and Qigong can help strengthen your immune system. Doctors do not claim to fully understand what happens, but they do agree that taiji and … Continue reading

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Meditation in Motion

Taiji – Stage of Development by Eric Borreson There is an old saying in tai chi that says, “The first 10,000 times don’t count”. You should expect that you need to practice your forms that many times to move through … Continue reading

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Meditation in Motion

Wuji Posture in Taiji © Eric Borreson A foundation of traditional Chinese thought is a belief in a universe full of energy called qi. In the beginning, the universe was an endless void known as wuji. The taiji classics say … Continue reading

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Meditation in Motion

Integrating Mind and Body with Taiji by Eric Borreson Mind-body integration means to be aware of your movements, thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. In order to develop a mind-body connection, we need to learn how to continuously adjust our movements, posture, … Continue reading

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