Tag Archives: mind-body integration

From the Doctor — A New Love Story

[From the Doctor] A New Love Story Nadia Linda Hole, M.D.   “Enjoy life. There’s plenty of time to be dead” – Hans Christian Andersen “From your I AM is born … the song that beautifies all” – Aramaic Lord’s … Continue reading

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Featured Article – Taiji As a Shared Bodily Experience

[Featured Article] Taiji As a Shared Bodily Experience Mauro Carboni Introduction. What is it that different people have in common, though with different stories and different ways to walk the path of life, that leads them to meet and share … Continue reading

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Yang and Yin of the Mind-Body Creation Style

Yin and Yang of Mind-Body Creation Style by Michelle Wood   I’d like to share with you this great quote I discovered recently. I love it so much I’ve even started adding it on the back of my business cards: … Continue reading

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How Circularity Leads to Smoother Mind-Body Integration

[Movement Exploration] How Circularity Leads to Smoother Mind-Body Integration by Dan Kleiman   When it comes to movement practices like taiji and Qigong, the key to smooth mind-body integration is having more and more circularity in your art. Now, when … Continue reading

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Meditation in Motion

Integrating Mind and Body with Taiji by Eric Borreson Mind-body integration means to be aware of your movements, thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. In order to develop a mind-body connection, we need to learn how to continuously adjust our movements, posture, … Continue reading

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