Monthly Archives: March 2011

Scientific Qi Exploration – Energy of Stars 5b

Forms of Qi: Heaven Energy of Stars – Part 5(b) Martin Eisen, Ph.D. Part 5 (b) is a continuation of Heaven Energy of the Stars, Part 5(a). Section 5 discusses the Chinese calendar, which can be used to describe time variations … Continue reading

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Scientific Qi Exploration – Energy of Stars. 5a

Forms of Qi: Heaven Energy of the Stars (Part 5a) Marty Eisen Ph. D. 1. Introduction (1) Commonly used Heaven’s Treasures, aside from the sun and moon, are the Big Dipper, Polaris, the five planets, and the 28 constellations. The … Continue reading

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Scientific Qi Exploration. Sun and Moon Energy

Part 4 of the series Heaven Energy of the Sun and Moon Martin Eisen, Ph.D. 1.  Introduction The Outer Forces of Heaven are manifested through the Three Treasures: the combined energy field of the sun, moon, and stars.  The sun … Continue reading

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Book Review-Eternal Spring

Eternal Spring By Michael W. Acton $19.95 . Softcover. 233pp. Singing Dragon, London, UK ISBN: 978-1-84819-003-0 Michael Acton has written a very insightful and inspiring book. He distills his 30 plus years of qigong and taijiquan experiences into a flowing … Continue reading

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Seasonal Harmony

Spring is beginning. It may not yet appear so with Winter snow storms still occurring, but it is beginning nonetheless. The first stirrings of the season are happening now. The Universal has been shifting from the messages of sleeping, storing and gathering to awakening, reaching outward and then… Continue reading

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A Comedy Moment

CLASSIC HUMOR FROM THE CH’AN / ZEN BUDDHIST TRADITION Compiled by Timothy Conway POSTMORTEM Before Japanese Zen Master Takuan Soho (1573-1645) died, he instructed: “Bury my body on the mountain behind the temple; throw earth on it and go away. … Continue reading

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Volunteer Opportunities

We welcome more volunteers join us to serve the community and to make Yang Sheng a better place for everyone. Together we can build a unique community of our own that is dedicated to a healthy, happy and harmonious life for all.

Here are the things you may consider to help us for a better E-magazine and online community:

1) You may start writing a column for Yang Sheng… Continue reading

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Six Soups with Therapeutic Affect on Insomnia

Six Soups with Therapeutic Affect on Insomnia Now a days more and more people suffer from stress and anxiety problems, while insomnia is one of most common symptoms.  If you notice the side effects of most sleeping pills, you may … Continue reading

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Love Your Legacy

How do you mindfully create a legacy when it is something that seems so illusive and intangible? A legacy is most often built upon… Continue reading

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Method to Improve Meditation

Counting-Breath Method 数息法 Kevin W Chen, Ph.D. MPH   Counting breath has long been a method used in meditation training. It appeared in Chinese literature as early as the Eastern Han Dynasty (25—220AD), when Buddhism was introduced to China. The … Continue reading

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