Tag Archives: Ellasara Kling

Early Summer Seasonal Harmony

[Seasonal Harmony 季节的和谐] Early Summer Seasonal Harmony By Ellasara Kling   You were born with a natural self-healing ability. Your body is a microcosm that reflects the macrocosm.  Think about it; nature has a regenerative capacity, and so do you. … Continue reading

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Seasonal Harmony (Winter 2014)

[Seasonal Harmony 季节的和谐] Seasonal Harmony for Winter By Ellasara Kling “It is a great adventure to contemplate the universe. . . to view life as part of this universal mystery of greatest depth, is to sense an experience which is … Continue reading

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Seasonal Harmony – What’s Your Food’s Nature?

[Seasonal Harmony] By Ellasara Kling Last issue we talked a little bit about the flavors of foods and some of the effects that those flavors have on the function of the various organ systems. Also based on Five Element Theory … Continue reading

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Let Flavor Be Your Guide

Seasonal Harmony Let Flavor Be Your Guide By Ellasara Kling Generally, whether we plan a meal or one dish, we think of the flavor of the foods we are going to use to create a particular taste. We choose seasonings … Continue reading

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Seasonal Harmony-Winter

Winter: The Season for Contemplation and Restoration by Ellasara Kling The Winter Season is ruled by the Kidney-Urinary Bladder organ system and is usually referred to as Kidney Season. During this season we strive to nourish the Kidney function. Let’s … Continue reading

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Seasonal Harmony

Spring is beginning. It may not yet appear so with Winter snow storms still occurring, but it is beginning nonetheless. The first stirrings of the season are happening now. The Universal has been shifting from the messages of sleeping, storing and gathering to awakening, reaching outward and then… Continue reading

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Seasonal Harmony

For most of us it is still Winter and we have all the snow, cold, and perhaps excessive rains that come with it. Generally, we consider Winter as a bleak, darkened time during which the Universe stores its energy and causes things (except modern humans and our unique lifestyles) to retire, rest, hibernate, or otherwise lie dormant until the earth has slanted sufficiently towards the sun to warm the world and cause life to regenerate and bring us that miraculous First Day of Spring. Continue reading

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