Monthly Archives: May 2011

Behavior as Symptoms of Energetic Imbalance

Healing Through Pleasure Behavior as Symptoms of Energetic Imbalance By Dr. Felice Dunas Karen and Josh said they wanted me to help them fix their marriage.  That is why they were sitting on the couch in front of me, complaining … Continue reading

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A comedy moment

Meditation [Good humor is a philosophic state of mind; it seems to say to the Nature that we take her no more seriously than she takes us… 🙂 ) One day a young student at the Buddhist monastery goes to … Continue reading

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Breathing in This Life-Yogic Breath Practice for Wo(men)

Yogic Breath Practice for Wo(men)   by© Ginger Garner MPT, ATC Women need, let’s face it, more than 24 hours in a day to accomplish all that is expected of us.  We manage the majority of households in the US, … Continue reading

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Scientific Qi Exploration-13(c)- Qigong and Immunity

Scientific Qi Exploration-Part 13(c) Qigong and Immune System Martin Eisen, Ph.D. [You may want to read the previous articles on this topic before you read the third one in this series.  here is the link to 13(a) and 13(b).] 1. … Continue reading

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From the Master

Tai Chi chuan is an ancient martial art from China. Like any other martial arts in the world, it’s about using our bodies in motion through space and time. Since we are using our physical bodies in action, we must follow the physic laws of motion. No matter how skillful a Tai Chi master might look, we can use Newton’s three laws of motion, plus the law of gravity to explain his power and action. There is no mystery once we know the truth. By applying these three laws of motion plus the law of gravity, we can gain a better understanding of Taiji principles.

Tai Chi classics did not apply western physics because the masters who wrote them didn’t know physics. They wrote these classics before Newton’s laws of motion were… Continue reading

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Mind-Body Medicine Research Update

Tai Chi exercise in patients with chronic heart failure: a randomized clinical trial. Arch Intern Med. 2011 Apr 25;171(8):750-7.  Yeh GY, McCarthy EP, Wayne PM, Stevenson LW, Wood MJ, Forman D, Davis RB, Phillips RS. From Division of General Medicine … Continue reading

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Featured Article

The Short History of the American Dragon Gate Lineage By Shifu Michael Rinaldini The American Dragon Gate Lineage (ADGL) unofficially began when Daoist Priest, Michael Rinaldini, (Li Chang Dao) was ordained in China in 2003. The formal organizational structure of … Continue reading

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Featured Article

What Is American Daoism? © Elijah Siegler, 2011 I have been researching American Daoism off and on for the past twelve years, and I have come to define it as a series of related practices and values that may have … Continue reading

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From the Editor

Welcome to the May issue of Yang Sheng! It is my pleasure to be the guest editor-in-chief this month. Our theme of “Daoism in the West” is very interesting since, comparatively speaking, Daoism is just beginning to become a notable … Continue reading

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Scientific Qi Exploration 13(b)- The Adaptive Immune System

Scientific Qi Exploration – Part 13(b) Qigong and the Immune System – The Adaptive Immune System Martin Eisen, Ph.D. 1.  Adaptive Immunity Adaptive immunity is also called specific or acquired immunity. It is activated when the innate or non-specific immune … Continue reading

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