Monthly Archives: October 2011

Featured Article: Cook Via p c t p method

A Qigong Teacher Explains How to Cook via the P.C.T.P. Method by Raven Cohan You all know things from deep within and have had the Power, Commitment, Trust and ability to Project your inborn knowledge into your activities. If you … Continue reading

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Chinese Bigu (避谷) for Yang Sheng

Chinese Bigu (避谷) for Yang Sheng by  Martin Eisen, Ph.D. What is Bigu? In Chinese “Bi” means to stop or avoid, and “Gu” means grain, including rice, corn or wheat. Therefore, Bigu means to avoid grain or stop eating. One … Continue reading

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The Natural Color of Whole Food and Its Healing Power

The Natural Color of Whole Food and Its Healing Power Black Color Prunes Strengthen Bones! Red Color Cayenne Pepper Can Stop A Heart Attack!! by Marty Eisen, Ph.D. Dr. Bahram Arjmandi is a nutrition researcher at Florida State University (FSU) … Continue reading

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Pain Killing Properties of Culinary Herbs

Pain Killing Properties of Culinary Herbs by George Xavier Love, OMD   Cure a toothache with cloves Got a toothache and can’t get to the dentist? Gently chewing on a clove can ease tooth pain and gum inflammation for two … Continue reading

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Overcoming Diseases Through Nutrition

Overcoming Diseases Through Nutrition by Ken Andes, L.Ac. “If a person is diseased, he should be treated with food first. If food treatment fails to work, then use herbs.” — Bian Que, Famous TCM Physician , Warring States Period I … Continue reading

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Some Like It Hot, Others Do Not

Some Like It Hot, Others Do Not by  Yuan Wang, OMD, Warren Sheir and Mika Ono “If there’s too much heat, cool it. If there’s too much cold, heat it. If there’s too much fullness, empty it. If there’s too … Continue reading

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Featured Article

Digestion Weakness and Chinese Rice Ginger Zhou (Congee) by Michael Rinaldini (Li Chang Dao) This past summer was a digestive nightmare for me. [I have a history of Spleen Qi deficiency or the clinical manifest as Irritable Bowel Syndrome by … Continue reading

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Featured Article

Seasonal Harmony with Natural Whole Foods by Ellasara Kling “The natural healing force within each one of us is the greatest force in getting well. Our food should be our medicine. Our medicine should be our food.” Hippocrates: Greek physician … Continue reading

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From the Editor

From the Editor “Return to nature,” and “humans and nature are one,” represents the core philosophies of the law of nature. TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) teaches “food and herbs come from the same source.”  By using natural foods and herbs … Continue reading

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