Monthly Archives: July 2014

Recent Research on Happiness & Health

[Research Updates] Recent Research on Happiness and Health  Compiled by Kevin W Chen, Ph.D. Happiness intervention decreases pain and depression, boosts happiness among primary care patients.  Prim Health Care & Research Dev. 2014 Jan 22:1-13.  By  Lambert D’raven LT, Moliver … Continue reading

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Seasonal Harmony — Late Summer

[Seasonal Harmony] Late Summer WHAT’S THE PHASE? – WHAT’S THE POINT?  By Ellasara Kling  “A human being is a part of the whole called by us universe, a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and … Continue reading

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HUMOR In Health – Connection and Holding Space

[From The Dancing Doc] HUMOR IN Health – Connection and Holding Space by Sharon Montes, M.D. The art of medicine consists in amusing the patient while nature cures the disease.                       … Continue reading

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Surf Happy Qi: 7 Secrets

[Featured Article] Surf Happy Qi: 7 Secrets  Nadia Linda Hole MD  Fall 7 times. Stand up 8 – Japanese proverb It’s always easier to ride the wave in the direction it’s going – Gerry Lopez Happiness depends as Nature shows, … Continue reading

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Tales of the Dao — Playing with the Fish

[Tales of the Dao] Playing With the Fish  Solala Towler Zhuangzi often ridiculed the strenuous efforts of his contemporaries to attain immortality by subjecting themselves to various ascetic practices. At the same time, he was concerned about how the human … Continue reading

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Illuminating the Dao 悟道 — When Less Is More

[Illuminating the Dao 悟道]  When Less Is More by Michelle Wood (First published in Qi Dao Newsletter September 25, 2009)  I had the great pleasure of attending a birthday party a few weeks ago. The guest of honor was my … Continue reading

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Happiness in Your Life — Today, and From Now On…

[Happiness in Your Life 您生活中的幸福] Today, and From Now On… by Doe Zantamata   I decide today to be happy. This moment and from now, on. This is my goal. From now on, I won’t look back with regret. Those … Continue reading

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20 Habits That Will Make You Happy…

[Featured Article] Harvard Research Reveals 20 Habits That Will Make You Happy, Guaranteed!  By Jing Jin    Have you ever wondered why some people seem happier than others? And why you’re not as happy as you’d like to be? Perhaps … Continue reading

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Happy Body — Do In

[Method of Self-Healing 自愈法 ] Happy Body — Do-In by Lilian Kluivers Do-In, a form of Dao Yin that is further developed in Japan, is a system of exercises that promotes our energy flow. Do-In combines meridian stretching with meditative … Continue reading

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Taiji: A New Foundation

[Experience Exchange 经验交流]  Taiji: A New Foundation by Alan Sims During one of my many trips to the Tai Chi Farm, I ran into an unusual if not amusing situation in terms of my attitude towards master Jou’s repeated displays … Continue reading

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