Monthly Archives: February 2015

Your Chi Might One Day Be Bottled!

[A Comedy Moment 开心一刻 ] Your Chi Might One Day Be Bottled! (It’s Free!! FREE!) By Huck Twin The qi/chi I want to ‘move’ comes from heaven and earth. It loves to be home-based in my lower tan tien, but … Continue reading

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Meditation Can Change Your Brain for Better & Longer…

[Research Update 科研 动态] Meditation Can Change Your Brain for Better and Longer…  Compiled by Kevin W Chen, Ph.D.    There has been an old saying, when Buddha was asked, “What have you gained from long meditation?”  Buddha replied, “Nothing!” … Continue reading

Posted in Mind-Body Integration, Research Update | Tagged , , | 9 Comments

The Virtue of Patient Care

[East West Perspective 东西方之观点] The Virtue of Patient Care by Gary Greer   Technological advances in health care has led to a common belief that physicians tend to detach themselves from their patients.[i]  As a result, a paradigm shift from … Continue reading

Posted in Daoism, East-West Perspectives | Leave a comment

Deities of Living Lands and Seas

[Daoist Stories 道家故事] Deities of Living Lands and Seas by Brian Griffith Like peasants in medieval Europe, the “superstitious” villagers of ancient China believed that everything was alive. To them, the streams, forests, mountains, or shorelines seemed enchanted, like the … Continue reading

Posted in Daoist Stories, Harmony with Nature | 1 Comment

Experience Exchange — see all living beings as water-beings

[Experience Exchange 经验交流]  I have come to see all living beings as water-beings by Marianne A Kinzer We are children of nature. We cannot exist independently. Water illustrates our reliance on nature in an especially comprehensive way. In my studies … Continue reading

Posted in Experience Exchange, Harmony with Nature | 1 Comment

A Reflection of Nature

[Featured Article 精选文章] A Reflection of Nature by Lilian Kluivers   How can we adapt to the changing energies of the seasons? Insights from Do-In provide us with a series of simple but accurate stretchings. Following the wisdom of Chinese … Continue reading

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Seasonal Harmony — Spring

[Seasonal Harmony 季节的和谐] Spring By Ellasara Kling   “Not only are we in the Universe, the Universe is in us.“ “To learn is to become closer to Nature”    Neil deGrasse Tyson, Astrophysicist, Director of the Hayden Planetarium. “The wise nourish … Continue reading

Posted in Food as Medicine, Seasonal Harmony | 2 Comments

Nurture Life — Discover Who You Are

[Spirituality of Dao  道之神] Nurture Life, Discover Who You Are By Christina J Barea, DP, MMQ Listening deeply to the quiet sound of leaves unfolding at Spring I breathe in and embody the miracle manifested in each and every tree. … Continue reading

Posted in Nurturing Spirit, Qigong, Spirituality of Dao | Leave a comment

Book Review — Eternal Spring by M.W. Acton

[Book Review 书评] Eternal Spring by Michael W. Acton. Softcover. 233pp. Singing Dragon,  London, UK.  ISBN:  978-1-84819-003-0 Reviewed by Sal Casano ,  Ph.D. Michael Acton has written a very insightful and inspiring book.  He distills his 30 plus years of … Continue reading

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Qigong Through the Seasons

[Qi Cultivation & Dao  炼气与道] Qigong Through The Seasons — Spring How to Stay Healthy all Year Long with Qigong, Meditation, Diet and Herbs” by Dr. Ronald Davis, [The following has been adapted from “Qigong Through The Seasons – How … Continue reading

Posted in Experience Exchange, Qi Cultivation and Dao, Qigong | Tagged , , | 1 Comment