Monthly Archives: July 2015

Mind-body medicine research update (June 2015)

[Research Update 科研 动态] Mind-Body Medicine Research Update Compiled by Kevin W Chen, Ph.D.   Efficacy of Liuzijue Qigong in Individuals with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease in Remission.  J Am Geriatr Soc. 2015 Jul 1. [Epub ahead of print] by  … Continue reading

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The Journey and Its Goal in Women’s Religions

[Spirituality of Dao 道之神] The Journey and Its Goal in Women’s Religions by Brian Griffith   In the Middle East, ancient deities were usually portrayed as superhuman kings, whose instructions to mortals were like a ruler’s commands, given in books … Continue reading

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Daoist Web Of Power

[Daoist Stories 道家故事] Daoist Web Of Power Dr Dennis Alexander Have you  ever wondered about our connection to The Universal Life Force as Daoists?   Think no more, here it is: “The Web Of Power.” There are steps to connecting to … Continue reading

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Poetry — Renga

[Echoes of emptiness]  Renga By Rene Navarro and Nadine Sarreal October 1999-April 2000   Traditional renga was a group activity in which each participant displayed his wit by spontaneously composing a poem in response to the poem that came before; … Continue reading

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How to Relax Your Feet to Improve Your Martial & Healing Arts

[Experience Exchange 经验交流] How to Relax Your Feet to Improve Your Martial & Healing Arts By Raven Cohan Arches and the entire foot are improved not by tightening feet, but by relaxing them. The challenge is that most people need … Continue reading

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The Miracle of the Breath

[Featured Article 精选文章] The Miracle of the Breath By Roger Jahnke, OMD   You can live for days without food. You can live for hours without water. But you can only live for moments without breath. The breath is our … Continue reading

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Healer Within and Self-Healing Issue

[From the Editor  编者的话]  Welcome to Healer Within and Self-Healing Issue Michelle Wood Welcome to the second issue of Yang-Sheng magazine in 2015!  with the theme of “Healer Within and Self-Healing.”  You may have noticed that we were significantly late in … Continue reading

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The Twelve Tendino-Muscular Meridians. Part 1

[Scientific Qi Exploration 气的科学探讨]  The Twelve Tendino-Muscular Meridians.  Part 1  Marty Eisen Ph.D.  1.  Introduction  These Meridians are called Tendino-Muscular Meridians since their paths pass through (Jing) the depressions and planes between the muscles and tendons.  The character Jin represents … Continue reading

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Early Summer Seasonal Harmony

[Seasonal Harmony 季节的和谐] Early Summer Seasonal Harmony By Ellasara Kling   You were born with a natural self-healing ability. Your body is a microcosm that reflects the macrocosm.  Think about it; nature has a regenerative capacity, and so do you. … Continue reading

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A Review of Riding the Phoenix to Penglai

[Book Review 书评] A Review of “Riding the Phoenix to Penglai” By Lauri Amidon   Riding the Phoenix to Penglai contains two sets of poems by a female Taoist Adept, Sun Bu-Er, with exceptional translations and commentary by Jill Gonet. … Continue reading

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