Monthly Archives: February 2011

Qigong and Stress (2)

 Qigong for Stress Management Martin Eisen, Ph.D. 1.  Definitions of Qigong “Qi” is the Chinese word for “life energy.”  It is also the life energy sensed in nature.  “Gong” means “work” or “benefits” gained through perseverant training.  Thus, a common … Continue reading

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Qigong and Stress (1)

Understanding  Stress Martin Eisen, Ph.D. Before reviewing Qigong and Tai Chi research in stress and its consequences, the definition of stress, its effects, and some treatments will be discussed. 1.  Introduction to Stress Forces or stressors from the outside world … Continue reading

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Proverbs of Yang Sheng

Selected Chinese Proverbs on Yang Sheng . 药补不如食补,食补不如气补,气补不如神补 To improve your health — Medicine supplement is not as good as nutrition supplement; Nutrition supplement is not as good as Qi supplement; Qi supplement is not as good as shen (spirit) … Continue reading

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Book Reviews-The 12 Chinese Animals

Most people think of Chinese astrology as only being concerned with what animal you are, as found on many Chinese restaurant menus. Of course, as with most of the traditional Chinese arts, there is a lot more to it than this to this ancient art than this.

As in Western astrology, the month, day and hour have significance. This book also tells us how to find our power animals… Continue reading

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Seasonal Harmony

For most of us it is still Winter and we have all the snow, cold, and perhaps excessive rains that come with it. Generally, we consider Winter as a bleak, darkened time during which the Universe stores its energy and causes things (except modern humans and our unique lifestyles) to retire, rest, hibernate, or otherwise lie dormant until the earth has slanted sufficiently towards the sun to warm the world and cause life to regenerate and bring us that miraculous First Day of Spring. Continue reading

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A Comedy Moment

Good humor is a philosophic state of mind; it seems to say to the Nature that we take her no more seriously than she takes us Continue reading

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Sense of Touch

First, close your eyes and roll your chair away from the computer, or close your laptop. Tip your head down as far as you can – feel that stretch in your upper back? Now, with your head… Continue reading

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Well Connected: Becoming Whole Through the Cultivation of Connection Elizabeth Mackenzie, PhD This column is devoted to the concept of “connection” as it pertains to achieving and maintaining wholeness. What happens to us as individuals when we connect heart and … Continue reading

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Healing Recipe of Month

Flu, cold or influenza is a common infectious disease in the winter season. Each year about 20-30,000 people die of flu-related health complications in the U.S. Here we share two food recipes for prevention and treatment of flu-related symptoms. Hopefully you will benefit from the simple but powerful traditional Chinese medicine recipes. Continue reading

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The Tai Chi Examiner

One member wrote, “Going slower revealed even more to me about the deep connections not just with my body, but with the interrelationships with my (Taiji) partners, and increased my capacity to ‘hear’ what was going on.” One described that during the slow practice, Qi was moving very fast. Dan Tian continued to move like a gyration ball even after the form practice. The other attributed to the Qi flowing smoothly in her body during Continue reading

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