Monthly Archives: November 2011

Biophotonics-Bioenergy Results are in from the Rhine Center Experiment

Biophotonics-Bioenergy Results are in from the Rhine Center Experiment These results may shock the energy field workers with its implication by Sifu Don Brown Qigong, Pranic, Reiki, Yoga and other types of energy practices tap into a source fromthe bioenergy … Continue reading

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The Purpose of Medical Qigong is to Balance Yin & Yang

The Purpose of Medical Qigong is to Balance Yin & Yang by George Xavier Love, OMD Yin and Yang – Diagnosis The Chinese system of diagnosis and treatment is a commonsense approach to healing with over 5000 years of proven … Continue reading

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Gateway Through the Mysterious Pass

Heart/Mind Qigong: Gateway Through the Mysterious Pass With excerpts from The Healing Promise of Qi by Roger Jahnke. OMD Published by Contemporary Books, A Division of McGraw-Hill, April 2002   At the Nine Clouds Mountain Qigong Sanatorium near the Six … Continue reading

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Tales from the Dao

Every Breath A Prayer by Solala Towler We talk a lot about breath in Daoist meditation and qigong practice. It is the breath that anchors our practice. It is the breath that is the doorway between realms. It is the … Continue reading

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Method of Better Meditation

Training Tips for Going Deeper Into Tranquility by Yang Yang, Ph.D.   Taiji insights sometimes come from unexpected places.  It happened to me earlier this year on a visit back home to Illinois. The occasion was a conversation with a … Continue reading

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Research Update

Taiji and Qigong Practitioners Report a Cornucopia of Benefits by Matthew Komelski, Ph.D. An in-depth qualitative report about the experiences of Taiji/Qigong practitioners enrolled in an intervention study at the University of Illinois has just been published in the Journal … Continue reading

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Mind-Body Medicine Research Update

(November 2011) Mind-Body Medicine Research Update   Tai chi exercise for treatment of pain and disability in people with persistent low back pain: A randomized controlled trial .  Athritis Care Res. 2011 Nov;63(11):1576-83. by Hall AM, Maher CG, Lam P, … Continue reading

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Method of Self Healing

Healing and Transformation by Martin Brofman, Ph.D.   Every symptom has a certain way of being with which it is associated. In order to release a symptom, one must release the way of being associated with it. Thus, the process … Continue reading

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Adaption in Mind-Body Integration Practice

Adaption in Mind-Body Integration Practice Understanding Variations of Qigong Exercises from TCM Theories by Kevin W Chen, Ph.D., MPH When I started learning Qigong as a life-nurturing mind-body exercise and a convenient healing method, I was taught that one of … Continue reading

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From The Editor

From the Editor Welcome to the November issue of Yang Sheng! The theme for this issue is painted with broad brush strokes and encompasses all of the Yang-Sheng, nurturing life practices. Kevin W Chen, Ph.D. MPH. shares main points from … Continue reading

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