Monthly Archives: December 2012

TCM Views and Treatment of Hypothyroidism

[TCM Food Therapy] Traditional Chinese Medicine Views and Treatment of Hypothyroidism Helen H. Hu, OMD, L/Ac. Hypothyroidism is under activity of the thyroid gland that leads to inadequate production of thyroid hormones and a slowing of vital body functions. Facial expressions … Continue reading

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Foods Have Flavors And Flavors Have Directions

[Seasonal Harmony] Foods Have Flavors And Flavors Have Directions By Ellasara Kling Five Element Theory provides a framework through which we can observe and understand the deeper connections between ourselves and Universal Flow/Natural Cycles throughout our lives. An understanding that … Continue reading

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The Role of Nutrition and Exercise in Longevity

[Breathing In This Life] The Role of Nutrition and Exercise in Longevity By Ginger Garner MPT, ATC, PYT No one wants to hear the phrase “you are aging prematurely.”  However, that is exactly what is happening when you suffer from … Continue reading

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The Importance of an Open Hand Position in Qigong and Taiji

[Experience Exchange] The Importance of an Open Hand Position in Qigong and Taiji by Raven Cohan In qigong practice, it is important to challenge oneself to open the hands properly. In this article, we set out to speak of how … Continue reading

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Mind-Body Medicine Research Update

[Research Update] Mind-Body Medicine Research Update compiled by Dr. Kevin Chen, Ph. D.   The Evolution of Mindfulness-Based Physical Interventions in Breast Cancer Survivors. Evidence Based Complementary & Alternative Medicine. 2012:758641.  By Stan DL, Collins NM, Olsen MM, Croghan I, … Continue reading

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LaoZi – The Hidden Dragon

[The Daily Daoist] LaoZi – The Hidden Dragon Master Zhongxian Wu 1. Introduction The first time I picked up LaoZi’s DaoDeJing 道德經, I could not truly understand one single sentence.  I found this interesting, as I already had a solid … Continue reading

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Being Between Heaven And Earth

Being Between Heaven and Earth Debi Dunn Just the other day, a 95 year old qigong student of mine, Maria, approached me after class apologizing for having arrived late.  “You see,” she said, “2pm is my naptime. I have difficulty … Continue reading

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The Science of Qi Healing A Survey of the Research and Benefits of Tai Chi and Qigong Practices – (Part 1 of 2)

[Scientific Qi Exploration] The Science of Qi Healing A Survey of the Research and Benefits of Tai Chi and Qigong Practices (Part 1 of 2) Ted Nawalknski, Sc. D. (Edited By Sean Cartwright)   The Science of Qi Healing, is … Continue reading

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The Extraordinary Fu Organs (Qi Heng Zhe Fu) – Part 2 of 2

[Scientific Qi Exploration] The Extraordinary Fu Organs (Qi Heng Zhe Fu) Part 2 of  2 by Marty Eisen Ph.D. continued from September/October 2012 issue 4.  Bones (Gu) The Bones are related to the Kidneys because they store Marrow, produced from … Continue reading

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Push-hands: A Means To Increase Your Gong

[From The Master] Push Hands: A Means For Increasing Your Gong by Yang Yang, Ph.D Push-hands is a measure of a person’s gong. In the meantime, push-hands can also be a safe and efficient means to enhance the gong. Below … Continue reading

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