Monthly Archives: July 2011

There is No Jin 劲 (Part 1)

From the Master There is No Jin 劲 (Part 1) by © Chun Man Sit The ether In the nineteenth century, most scientists and physicists believed the entire universe was covered with a fixed, invisible substance called the ether, or … Continue reading

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Method of Self Healing – Laughter Therapy

Laughter Therapy Kathy Chan, MBA Laughter is a behavior that we are all familiar with and have personal experience with.  So, what is Laughter Therapy?  It is the act of consciously practicing laughter.  What are the therapeutic effects of Laughter … Continue reading

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Mind-Body Medicine Research Update

Neurofeedback-enhanced gamma brainwaves from the prefrontal cortical region of meditators and non-meditators and associated subjective experiences.  J Altern Complement Med. 2011 Feb;17(2):109-15. Epub 2011 Feb 8. by Rubik B. from Institute for Frontier Science, Oakland, CA 94611-2802, USA. OBJECTIVES:  … Continue reading

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Featured Article

Positive Stress Management and Gratitude Chris G’Froerer There are many definitions of stress and many causes of it.  The word stress has become the buzz word for our modern times, and though we all use the word stress, we are … Continue reading

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Becoming Happier through Meditation

Kevin W Chen, Ph.D. MPH We all want to be happy!  Pursuit of happiness is everyone’s right and probably the optimal life goal.  However, in terms of what happiness is, or the way and direction of pursuing happiness, there are … Continue reading

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Longevity Eight Treasure Congee

Longevity Eight Treasure Congee by Dr. Helen Hu Chinese porridge or congee (Zhou: 粥) is a thick soup that is made from grains. There are various ways of making and serving congee, and no special skill is required. Congee can … Continue reading

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From the Editor

Welcome to the July issue of Yang-Sheng! It is my great pleasure to be the guest editor-in-chief this month. Our theme for this issue is “positivity and health’ or happiness, which is one of the most demanded topics from our readers’ … Continue reading

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Qi Cultivation and Dao

Healing Chronic Health Conditions Guan-Cheng Sun, Ph.D. and Jill Gonet, M.F.A.  Today, the nation’s greatest contemporary health challenge is chronic illness. While modern medicine and public health have dramatically improved our ability to survive acute threats like heart attacks and … Continue reading

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Santi Standing: Setting Up and Refining

From the Master Santi Standing: Setting Up and Refining by Yang Yang, Ph.D. Santi Standing is an important part of the wisdom we inherit from Taiji and other Chinese martial art training. It can effectively improve posture, balance, and daily … Continue reading

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Scientific Qi Exploration-12

Part 12: Qigong and the Cardiovascular System Marty Eisen Ph. D. 1.  Introduction The effects of Qigong on blood pressure appear in Section 2.  Section 3 presents studies on heart rate and rhythm.   Cardiac output effects appear in Section 4.  … Continue reading

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