Author Archives: Kevin Chen

Qigong Global Summit 2023 — Free Online Event on Feb 27 ~ March 3

Sponsored by the Shift Network, Qigong Global Summit has established its reputation as a yearly must-go event for the global healing art community. This year’s theme is “Cultivate Ageless Grace, Vitality and Agility through Meditative Movement Practices”.  Qigong is the art and … Continue reading

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Qigong Bigu or Fasting: The Best Investment in Your Health and Long-Term Wellness

Qigong Bigu or Fasting: The Best Investment in Your Health and Long-Term Wellness 辟谷养生、祛病强身、 延年益寿 Kevin W CHEN, Ph.D. Although the pandemic of COVID-19 is gradually over now, the infectious diseases and their effects are still around the world, and … Continue reading

Posted in Daoism, Food as Medicine, Self Healing Method | Tagged , , , , , | 1 Comment

Earthing – the Most Important Health Discovery

Earthing— the Most Important Health Discovery Ever! 接地气,人类史上最伟大的健康发现         Every day, try walking, sitting or lying barefoot on the ground for half an hour, can effectively relieve common ailments such as PMS, cancer, arthritis, back pain, indigestion, jet lag and … Continue reading

Posted in East-West Perspectives, Energy Healing Through Science & Spirit, Featured Article, Uncategorized | Tagged , , , , | Leave a comment

Where energy come from during Bigu manifestation

Where the Energy Come from during Bigu Manifestation? 探讨辟谷期间能量从哪里来 Kevin W CHEN, Ph.D. The Bigu manifestation, also known as energetic fasting, cut-off grain, or stop grain-eating, is a unique Daoist practice and wellness technique.  It literally means avoiding grain, or not eat grain, but … Continue reading

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Qigong Fasting or Bigu: Your Best Defense Against COVID-19 & Your Best Investment for Long-Term Wellness

The COVID-19 continues changing our lives in many ways. As the outbreak is still alive around the world, your best defense against the pandemic may still be the strength of your immune system. When you get a lot of time … Continue reading

Posted in Method of Self-Healing, Qi Cultivation and Dao | 3 Comments

Our Online Qigong for Health Continues as the Health Challenge Remains

After Dr. Fauci claimed that the US is out of pandemic phase of COVID-19 the life goes gradually back to normal for most American. However, the virus and their potential threatening are still around, and the challenge to defend our … Continue reading

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Wellness Practice in Spring Focuses on Protecting and Nourishing Liver

       Spring season begins with the Start of Spring, followed by Raining, Awakening of Insects, Vernal Equinox, Tomb-sweeping Day and Grain Rain, the six solar terms, ending on the eve of Start of Summer. In the spring, Yang qi rises, … Continue reading

Posted in Method of Self-Healing, Seasonal Harmony, Yin Yang | Leave a comment

Winter Kidney-nourishing Dietary Adjustments

Winter Kidney-nourishing Dietary Adjustments 冬季养肾的饮食调理 After entering winter, the metabolism of the human body slows down and energy consumption is relatively reduced. “Winter tonic” can make the energy transformed from nutrients stored in the body, thus strengthening the foundation and … Continue reading

Posted in Food as Medicine, Seasonal Harmony | Tagged , , , , | 1 Comment

Traditional Chinese Medicine Organ Times and Meridian System

Traditional Chinese Medicine Organ Times and Meridian System –-Their Applications in Health and Wellness Practice An Overview The meridian system is a key concept of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), but understandings of the energetic body are shared by many cultures. It … Continue reading

Posted in East-West Perspectives, Method of Self-Healing, Seasonal Harmony | Tagged , , , , , | Leave a comment

Qigong & Mindfulness May Be Your Best Defense against COVID-19

[Method of Self-Healing] Qigong & Mindfulness May Be Your Best Defense against COVID-19: Boost Immunity, Reduce Stress/Anxiety, & Get Social Support! Kevin W Chen, Ph.D. The global pandemic of COVID-19 has changed our lives in many ways.  This is the biggest … Continue reading

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