Monthly Archives: December 2011

Wuji in Motion-The Nurturing Gong of Push Hands

The Nurturing Gong of Push Hands by Rodney J Owen Push hands practice is a crucial component of a complete Taiji curriculum.  There are multiple styles, types, and approaches to push hands, but ultimately it is a two-person approach to … Continue reading

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Tales from the Dao-Looking Up

Looking Up by Solala Towler My personal practice these days consists, in a large part, in something I call Looking Up. By Looking Up I mean, number one, to physically look up. It is amazing how often we travel down … Continue reading

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How To Eliminate Stress And Triple Your Productivity

How To Eliminate Stress And Triple Your Productivity by Narij Naik, M.Pharm. “Researchers peering into the brains of those engaged in several tasks at once are concluding what some overworked Americans had begun to suspect: that multi-tasking, which many have … Continue reading

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A Comedy Moment-December

Comedy Moment   Have you heard about the dyslexic yogi who goes around chanting “MO”? Why did the Buddhist coroner get fired? Answer: because he would always record the cause of death as ‘birth’. Why can’t Buddhists vacuum their meditation … Continue reading

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The Healer is the Spirit Being Within…

By Sifu Cindy Cicero Is it possible that the healer within is a spirit being that inhabits our human host body?  If this is possible, could this healer within be the one that exists beyond the body?  Or is it … Continue reading

Posted in Energy Healing Through Science & Spirit | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 3 Comments

Mind-Body Research Update

Mind-Body Medicine Research Update Compiled by Kevin Chen, Ph.D. Effects of Tai Chi on pre-landing muscle response latency during stepping down while performing a concurrent mental task in older adults. Eur. J Appl. Physiol. 2011 Nov 22. by Tsang WW, … Continue reading

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Taiji and Qigong for Immune System Health

Taiji and Qigong for Immune System Health by Eric Borreson There is considerable evidence that taiji and Qigong can help strengthen your immune system. Doctors do not claim to fully understand what happens, but they do agree that taiji and … Continue reading

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From the Master-Daoist Internal Alchemy

Daoist Internal Alchemy: A Deep Language for Communicating with Nature’s Intelligence, Part 1 Alchemy Formulas, Qi Field & Language Theory by Michael Winn When I was first initiated into Daoist Qigong and internal alchemy, nei dan practice, twenty years ago, … Continue reading

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Learn about Dao — Daoism and Origin of Qigong

Daoism and the Origins of Qigong, Part 1 by Livia Kohn, Ph.D. Qigong or “Qi Exercises” describes a group of practices highly popular in China and increasingly well known in the West. They involve slow, gentle body movements, breathing exercises, … Continue reading

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Featured Article-Awaken the Healer Within

Awaken the Healer Within NIH Interview with Dr. Roger Jahnke, OMD How Qigong and Tai Chi — Chinese Mind-Body Wellness Practices — Promote Healthy Function This brief interview with Dr Roger Jahnke, OMD, director of the Institute of Integral Qigong and … Continue reading

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