Tag Archives: energy

Seasonal Harmony – What’s Your Food’s Nature?

[Seasonal Harmony] By Ellasara Kling Last issue we talked a little bit about the flavors of foods and some of the effects that those flavors have on the function of the various organ systems. Also based on Five Element Theory … Continue reading

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Cardiomyopathy and Congestive Heart Failure

TCM Food Therapy Cardiomyopathy and Congestive Heart Failure by Helen Hu, OMD Dilated (congestive) cardiomyopathy is a group of heart muscle disorders in which the ventricles enlarge but are not able to pump enough blood for the body’s needs, resulting … Continue reading

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Book Review-The Way of Energy

The Way of Energy: Mastering the Chinese Art of Internal Strength with Chi Kung Exercise Master Lam Kam Chuen Softcover 191 pp. Published by Simon & Schuster 1991 ISBN:  0-671-73645-0 Reviewed by Salvatore Casano Ph.D. R.N.This well done book on … Continue reading

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TCM Food Therapy-Cancer Prevention

Traditional Chinese Medicine, Food Therapy and Cancer Prevention by Helen Hu, OMD When we discuss how Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) can help prevent cancer, we might think we have to take something to kill the cancerous cells in order to … Continue reading

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Chinese Ways to Open Your Perceptions through Training Kundalini Energy

Experience Exchange Chinese Ways to Open Your Perceptions through Training Kundalini Energy by Raven Cohan The Chinese (or Ancient Daoist) ways of looking at the systems of Kundalini* energy development for self-healing, has variants that do not make one pathway … Continue reading

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Tales from the Dao-Looking Up

Looking Up by Solala Towler My personal practice these days consists, in a large part, in something I call Looking Up. By Looking Up I mean, number one, to physically look up. It is amazing how often we travel down … Continue reading

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Simple Natural Healing-Winter Wellness and Self Care

Winter Wellness and Self Care by Aihan Kuhn 爱寒, C.B.D, Dipl., OBT In Chinese healing, the digestive function is very important, because it affects the whole body and overall healing. If the digestive system is not working properly, eventually other … Continue reading

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The Miracle of Self-Initiated Healing

The Miracle of Self-Initiated Healing adapted from The Healer Within by Roger Jahnke, OMD In the amazing universe of Mind-Body Practice and Energy-Based Healing methodologies, there is one very profound bit of information that turns on our sense of the … Continue reading

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From the Editor

Welcome to the December issue of Yang-Sheng! “The Healer Within” is the theme of this issue. The ability to maintain one’s health and balance is an integral aspect of every person’s body, mind/heart and spirit. Each of us has that … Continue reading

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Book Review-Tai Chi in Your Life

Tai Chi in Your Life- 8 Principles That Can Change Your Life While Learning and Growing with Tai Chi by Dale Napier Softcover ( 179 pages) 2010 Mastersoft  Press, Houston TX  $16.99 ISBN:  978-1439255803 Review written by Sal Casano While … Continue reading

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