Tag Archives: health

Some Like It Hot, Others Do Not

Some Like It Hot, Others Do Not by  Yuan Wang, OMD, Warren Sheir and Mika Ono “If there’s too much heat, cool it. If there’s too much cold, heat it. If there’s too much fullness, empty it. If there’s too … Continue reading

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From the Editor

From the Editor “Return to nature,” and “humans and nature are one,” represents the core philosophies of the law of nature. TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) teaches “food and herbs come from the same source.”  By using natural foods and herbs … Continue reading

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Seasonal Harmony

Later Summer Food As Medicine By Ellasara Kling Following Spring and Early Summer is the “additional” season known as “Late Summer” during which Nature continues its upward and outward energetic flow as plants are now coming into their maturity.  Nature … Continue reading

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Seasonal Harmony

Seasonal Harmony by © Ellasara Kling Here it is July and the beginning of Late Summer in the flow of Five Seasons.  What a fabulous time!  Flowers, fruits, vegetables are abundant; the earth is blooming in a big way!  During … Continue reading

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Illuminating the Dao – Happiness Creates Health

Happiness Creates Health By Michelle Wood If you follow the field of alternative wellness – and if you are reading Yang Sheng I’m sure you do! -you know that strong, scientific evidence is building in favor of fostering emotional well-being … Continue reading

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Proverbs of Yang-Sheng 养生格言

Chinese Proverbs on Positivity and Health 笑一笑,十年少;愁一愁,白了头。 Smile a smile and you will look ten years younger. Worry a worry and you will gain more grey hair. 一笑烦恼跑,二笑怒气消,三笑憾事了,四笑病魔逃,五笑人不老,六笑乐逍遥 One smile exiles the worrisome; Two smiles diminish the anger; Three smiles … Continue reading

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From the Editor

Welcome to the July issue of Yang-Sheng! It is my great pleasure to be the guest editor-in-chief this month. Our theme for this issue is “positivity and health’ or happiness, which is one of the most demanded topics from our readers’ … Continue reading

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Qi Cultivation and Dao

Healing Chronic Health Conditions Guan-Cheng Sun, Ph.D. and Jill Gonet, M.F.A.  Today, the nation’s greatest contemporary health challenge is chronic illness. While modern medicine and public health have dramatically improved our ability to survive acute threats like heart attacks and … Continue reading

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Scientific Qi Exploration – Taiji

Are You Really Studying Tai Chi and Is It Effective for Stress? Martin Eisen, Ph.D. 1.  What is Classical Tai Chi (Taiji)? Only the Yang style will be discussed.  However, similar types of training were used in other classical styles … Continue reading

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